
Minutes HPC Meeting 2nd February 2023

Minutes Uploaded on August 5, 2023


Minutes of a Council Meeting

Date: Thursday 2 February 2023

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: OSCA, Henham


Present: Chair N. Baker, District Cllr & Cllr G. LeCount, Cllrs S. Lee, Z. Rutterford, J. Leech, M. Fisher, P. Franklin and clerk M. Dacey. NB Two PCSOs were present but had to leave at the beginning of the meeting as called to an emergency.


The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.


  1. Apologies for Absence: District Cllr P. Lees, County Cllr R. Gooding, Cllr M. Francis


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the 1 December 2022 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.


  1. Matters Arising


  1. Reports and Recommendations
  • Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
  • Greens damage – (1) Erosion – General greens erosion in the village causing other potholes. Cllr Leech previously presented a comprehensive document with supportive photographs and examples of honeycomb matting. It was previously agreed that the Chair and Cllr Leech would review greens damage in the Spring. (2) Construction damage by Hollybank – Cllr Lee is monitoring the situation and has spoken to the Contractor who has agreed to reinstate the greens. Chair will provide details of width of driveway to Cllr Lee. Chair raised concerns that parking opposite by the contractors was causing residents to damage the greens in order to drive past the parked vehicles. Cllr Lee will raise this with the contractor.
  • Gravelling over and parking on Greens at Bell Cottage, High Street – As previously agreed, the Chair has posted a second letter to the resident in the hope that an amicable resolution can be met without having to resort to expensive legal proceedings – unfortunately there still has been no response from the resident. At the December meeting, it was agreed the Chair would ask our solicitors to send another letter to the resident requesting restoration of the greens by 28 February 2023 otherwise the Parish Council will commence legal proceedings. The letter was sent to the resident this week.

Village ponds – There may be scope for a new pond at Hill Top Wood or in the corner of Pledgdon Green, but these would be subject to strict criteria. Our ecologist is awaiting confirmation from FWAG whether either site would qualify for funding and circulated an email to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. Cllr Fisher agreed to act as liaison with FWAG in order to progress matters.

Village Hall – Update from Cllr Fisher. The village hall works have commenced in earnest and are progressing well. Unsurprisingly the works have uncovered major issues with the rear extension which is rotten beyond repair, no insulation in the hall whatsoever, the side of the building has a damp issue and a number of cracks to parts of the blockwork which need to be repaired. Cllr Fisher circulated update quotes for all Cllrs on 5/1/23 for approval of an additional spend of approx. £10k. The village hall committee will also continue to endeavour to obtain grant funding to cover costs, grants worth nearly £20,000 were obtained by the village hall committee last year which is excellent news. The Parish Council continues to thank Cllr Fisher and the Village Hall project manager for all their hard work.

PCSO – Planned review meeting has been postponed. New date to be confirmed. Our PCSO has arranged a new drop in beat surgery in Henham. He will be on hand in the Village Shop for residents to have a chat, discuss crime prevention and talk about local community concerns on the following dates between 12:00-13:00: Tues 7th February, Wed 8th March and Wed 12th April 2023.

Speedwatch – The speedwatch team have contacted the head of the school asking her to remind parents/carers to slow down when driving in the village. Cllr Franklin chased Essex Highways regarding Speedwatch opportunity on OMR, EH confirmed speedwatch is not possible as “it was found during a site assessment that Old Mead Road has the issue that wherever the group could stand there would not be a route 100m in either direction for a volunteer to walk to place a sign that presents a low enough risk due to the lack of a footpath or substantial verge”. EH are looking into this and will confirm the position as regards insurance to see if there is any potential for speedwatch volunteers standing on private property.

Coronation Event –There is an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023. Cllr Lee continues to look into an event based around the re-opening of the village hall and will liaise with the fete committee.

Website – It was previously agreed that Cllr Lee would liaise with the specialist IT company and the clerk for producing a new website for the parish council. This is ongoing.

Dragon – The Dragon has a cash flow problem, mainly caused by the fall off of advertising caused by the recession and a financial assessment for the next 12 months has confirmed The Dragon will be £1k short in the next financial year. It was agreed by email (as there was no meeting in January) that the Parish Council would give a grant of £1k to cover 23/24 and see how things are in the following year.

Rural Crime Community Event – Update by Cllr Rutterford who has been liaising with the Rural Engagement Team at Essex Police in hosting the event on 11 January 2023 in Takeley. The Parish Council thanks Cllr Rutterford for all her hard work in organising the event.

Contractor parking in the village – A resident has asked the Council to investigate contractor parking along Church Street. Cllr Lee has spoken to the developer and the Parish Council will continue to monitor the situation.

Elsenham Station Car Park – Concerns have been raised by residents regarding the potential closure of the car park. The Parish Council will continue to monitor the situation.

Overgrown Footpaths – Cllr Leech has raised a concern regarding footpaths in the village with overhanding hedges/trees blocking the footpath. Following a discussion, it was agreed that it is the responsibility of residents to manage their overgrown hedges, especially now that the Rangers service is no longer available, but it is too late to put a note in the Dragon now as the bird nesting season commences shortly. The Chair will place a note in the Dragon in the autumn.

UDC Foodbank Liaison – The clerk previously circulated an email to all Cllrs regarding a request by UDC who would like the Parish Council to agree a nominated contact-point who would be happy to liaise with them to ensure all members of our local communities are receiving the support, help and sign-posting they need. It was agreed the clerk will be the nominated contact point.

           (ii) Finance



From Whom Description Amount
Peasgood Burial and Exclusive rights fee £980.00
SOV 100 Club Nov draw £403.00
Village shop SOV donations £40.00
Daniel Robinson Burial fees £400.00


 To Whom

(Invoice no.)

Description Amount VAT Total
Uttlesford District Council (00000095644) Q2 salary 1 month (July 22) for PCSO £433.96 £0.0 £433.96
Treecology (01628) Removal of fallen Willow over pond £120.00 £24.00 £144.00
GJ Cox Village Christmas tree £150.00 £0.0 £150.00
Castle Water (8118065) Allotment water bill £219.34 £43.87 £263.21
MAJ Fiddler (2022 695) Village Annual Maintenance – Notice boards, bus stop, dragon sign £958.00 £0,0 £958.00
M Dacey Clerk’s salary (November) £419.89 £0.0 £419.89
JRB Enterprise Ltd (24826) Dog poo bags £65.71 £13.14 £78.85
The Dragon HPC support grant £1000.00 £0.0 £1000.00
RN Peake Refund for cemetery recycling bin £69.63 £0.0 £69.63
Henham Village Shop Association ltd (H00061) Post Office charges Nov 22- Feb 23 £2,394.25 £0.0 £2,394.25
Old School Community Association OSCA room hire Sept-Dec 22 £145.00 £0.0 £145.00
Rikki Shelsher (1050) Village signs and window cleaning £50.00 £0.0 £50.00
M Dacey Quarterly WFH allowance and LR fees refund £84.00 £0.0 £84.00
N Baker Refund for Xmas tree lights cabling £20.98 £0.0 £20.98
Jonathan Leech (22-12-772) Tarmac repairs at The Row £50.00 £10.00 £60.00
JRB Enterprise Ltd. (24942) Dog Poo Bags £65.71 £13.14 £78.85
M Dacey Clerk’s salary (December) £419.89 £0.0 £419.89
Treecology (01665) Tree work near bus stop £350.00 £70.00 £420.00


Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – Cllr Fisher- update by Cllr Fisher regarding his previous presentation by Cllr Fisher for 23/24 strategy. Cllr Fisher and the Chair will liaise with Nationwide to ascertain the best rates for the bonds.


2023-2024 precept – The HPC Income requirement held at £41,140, as agreed in the December 2022 meeting. The net tax base for Henham (i.e. number of properties paying council tax) has gone up from 664.58 to 686.25. This has the effect of decreasing ever so slightly the amount of council tax raised per household for the precept; for example, the band D rate for 2023-24 will be £59.95 compared to £61.90 in 22/23, all bands will decrease by 3.2% for the 2023-24 precept contribution.

Paperwork regarding the precept was submitted to UDC on 3 January 2023 by the clerk.


2022-2023 Accounts – Q2 Accounts for 22/23 have been submitted by the clerk to Cllr Fisher for review and approval.



  • Planning and Developments –


  • UTT/22/3277/FUL – S73A retrospective planning application for the erection of 1no. dwelling amendments to that approved under UTT/19/2547/FUL, White Place North Hall Road
  • UTT/22/3278/OP – Outline Planning Application, with all matters reserved except scale & access, for the erection of up to 7 dwellings and associated work, Land West Of Old Mead Road. The Planning Sub-Committee have submitted an objection.
  • UTT/22/3446/FUL – proposed construction of stables, Rosemead, Old Mead Road
  • UTT/23/0027/FUL – proposed New access for farm vehicles (following withdrawal of UTT/22/2752/FUL) Land South Of Henham Road Henham, the Planning Sub-Committee has submitted an objection on the same grounds as the previously withdrawn application.
  • UTT/22/3404/HHF – proposed Section 73A Retrospective application for erection of garden shed, The Old Coach House Pledgdon Green. Extensive damage to the protected Common Land has been noted, the Chair has asked our PCSO to speak to all neighbours to ascertain the cause of the damage.
  • UTT/22/2931/FUL – Proposed change of use to a mixed use of storage container hire and vehicle storage/parking, The Warehouse, Pledgdon Green, Brick End Road, Henham, Bishops Stortford, CM22 6BN. Cllr Rutterford has circulated a briefing note to Cllrs prior to this meeting. The Chair has submitted an objection on behalf of the Parish Council to Highways. Following a discussion, it was agreed the Planning Sub-Committee will submit an objection.
  • UTT/23/0215/HHF & UTT/23/0216/LB – proposed Conversion of outbuilding back to garage and storage and office space, Pledgdon Green Farm Brick End Road


Breaches:  Continuing breaches at Cedar Cottage– Nothing to report.

Land Adjacent Pennington Hall – UDC issued and served an enforcement notice on 12/12/22 on the Land Adjacent Pennington Hall (Pricklemoor Farm), Henham Road, Elsenham, CM22 6DH. The Notice requires the removal of all waste material and the earth bund from the northern end of the site and to restore the land at the northern end of the site to its condition prior to the commencement of the unauthorised development. The notice becomes operational and effective on the 23rd January 2023 with a six month compliance period which lapses on the 23rd July 2023. There is a legal minimum period of 28 days between serving the notice and it becoming operational and effective which allows for an appeal to be lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.  If a valid appeal is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate the notice is held in abeyance until the appeal has been determined.  If no appeal is lodged then the notice will become operational and effective and the compliance period commences.  Failure to comply with an extant enforcement notice within the stated compliance period is a criminal offence and the Council can prosecute for the non-compliance, carry out the remedial works and put a charge on the land or do both.

Appeals:  n/a



Mill Road Development : Nothing to report.


Bloor HomesTown and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 62A Applications) Outline Planning Application with all matters Reserved except for the Primary means of access for the development of up to 200 residential dwellings along with landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure works at Land East of Station Road, Elsenham. PINS hearing scheduled for 12 December 2022. Cllr LeCount and our professional team are lined up to speak at the hearing. The Planning Inspector has been informed of the potential closure of Elsenham Station car park by the Parish Council on 11/1/23. Cllr Franklin has sought clarification regarding the traffic monitor on OMR from County Cllr Gooding who believes it has been installed by the developer.


Decisions: Nothing to report.

  • Highways –

North Hall Road: Nothing to report.

Hall Road, Henham: Nothing to report.

OMR-OML – (1) Faded road markings are in the schedule for the current financial year and will be carried out when the weather is less wet. (2) As regards the footpath signage, County Cllr Gooding confirmed that he is looking into obtaining funding for this and will continue to liaise with Cllr Franklin. (3) Cllr Franklin emailed County Cllr Gooding 27/01/23 regarding 27 outstanding highways issues in this area mainly relating to blocked gulleys, faded road markings, carriageway defects requesting urgent action.

Mill Road/School Road yellow lines – Nothing to report.

Pledgdon Green Lane/Brick End Road – Nothing to report.


Potholes – The Parish Council thanks the resident for all her hard work in compiling a list of local pot holes for the Chair to pass onto County Cllr Gooding. It is noted that due to budget constraints, it is unlikely that many of these will be repaired. Clerk’s note: Hall Road (Airport road) pot holes have been repaired 3/2/23.


Vernons Footpath – The Parish Council thanks the resident for all his hard work in achieving footpath status for the paths around the fields behind Vernons which were officially added to the Definintive Map for Essex on 22/12/22.


Toot Toot bridge – Cllr Franklin has reported to County Cllr Gooding on 30/12/22 the missing “Sound your horn” signs which have been removed at some point from either side of the bridge and lack of road markings or warnings at the bridge of “single track only” or any form of priority and requested this is resolved by Essex Highways as a matter of urgency in order to avoid more accidents. Cllr LeCount agreed to report this to the Highways Panel.


Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site   (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.


Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385

  1. Correspondence

Sent/Received: UDC regarding Cllr code of conduct complaints, resident re Church Street parking. Resident re blocked drains on Crow Street (not a PC matter)

Planning Applications  – see 4(iii) above

  • Clerk – approximately 250 emails in December 2022 and 250 emails in January 2023.


  1. Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Nothing to report.


  1. SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Nothing to report.
  2. Governance – The UDC Monitoring Officer has advised the clerk that the code of conduct complaint made against Cllr Fisher which was previously referred by the Monitoring Officer for a formal investigation by an Independent adjudicator, concluded in December 2022. The Monitoring Officer, in consultation with one of the Council’s Independent Persons for Standards, has decided to accept the conclusions reached by the independent adjudicator, and accordingly the complaint against Cllr Fisher has been dismissed. The Parish Council welcomes this decision.

The clerk has asked all Cllrs to review and update their Declaration of Interests Forms and has sent the updated ones to UDC.

  1. Local Plan – Documents related to the local plan can be found at: The Chair submitted the Parish survey to UDC on 10/1/23.
  2. Henham SOV 100 Club draw –

Dec 160 Members

1st Prize Number 74 (M & LA O’shea) £232
2nd Prize Number 94 (J Barnett/ L Oborn) £112

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £56 Cumulative total £56


Total funds received per draw were £800. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £400 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.


Jan 160 Members

1st Prize Number 136 (F Frindle)  £232
2nd Prize Number 32 (S&N Izatt)  £112

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £56 Cumulative total £112


Total funds received per draw were £800. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £400 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.


  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next Parish meeting will be held on Thursday 2 March 2023 at 7:30pm at OSCA – Everyone Welcome.

Mareike Dacey, Clerk