
Minutes HPC Meeting 13th June 2024

Minutes Uploaded on June 19, 2024


Minutes (unapproved) of a Parish Council Meeting

Date: Thursday 13 June 2024

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: OSCA, Henham

Present: Chair N. Baker, Cllrs S. Lee, G. LeCount, P. Franklin, J. Leech, Z. Rutterford, M. Fisher, clerk M. Dacey and District Cllr B. Donald.

Declaration of interests: The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.


  1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr C. Walker, District Cllr P.Lees, County Cllr R. Gooding


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the 2 May 2024 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.


  1. Matters Arising –


  1. Reports and Recommendations
  • Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
  • Greens damage – Following an inspection of the greens by the Chair and Cllr Leech, whose recommendations report was circulated to all Cllrs prior to this meeting, it was agreed as follows: Lower end of Woodend Green owned by the Parish Council, pot holes to be filled in; road edges by village hall to be filled with soil and seeded; old concrete base by Henleys to be removed, levelled and seeded; weeds in pond at far end of village by Chickney Road to be cleared; residents to be reminded to cut back their overgrown hedges (check for nesting birds first) – note to go on Dragon; soil and seed greens by OSCA, Hollybank and along Crow St; flooding on greens by Heathcote to be monitored. .
  • Greens Bylaws – Nothing to report.
  • Greens Access – The Chair will write to owner/developers confirming the Parish Council’s HPC greens access policy.
  • Coronation commemoration – The sculpture will be located on the greens by Henleys. UDC have confirmed no planning required. Cllr Leech is preparing the concrete base which will hopefully be installed soon, weather permitting. Cllr Fisher will look into organising an opening ceremony.
  • Tree Inspection – Tree inspected by our contractor by Crow Street/School Lane pond at a resident’s request. It will need to be dealt with due to showing signs of Ash die back. It was agreed to remove it.
  • Church works – Planning proposal to install heat pumps, Cllr Lee has raised a concern with the Church regarding potential noise. Church is looking into installing them on rubber grommets to mitigate noise. Parish Council to monitor the state of greens, particularly the corner greens following the works.
  • Resurfacing The Row – The Row path falls within the ownership of the Henham Parish Council as it is part of the greens. Repairs to be undertaken in due course.
  • Abandoned car by Church greens – A resident has reported the abandoned car (for over 2 years) to UDC ref 24/05057/AVCOM.

Village ponds/Woodland – Cllr Walker continues to liaise with Planteria and the School and Woodland Trust regarding the woodland and the School’s curiosity approach to learning – a very productive meeting between them was held on 13/6/24 attended by Cllr Walker and Chair which included positive discussions about how to utilise the woodland for the benefit of the School and community.

Village Hall – (1) General – Cllr Fisher provided and update and noted the village hall are looking at ways in which to increase use of the hall. (2) Solicitors – Nothing to report (3) HPC Community Support Fund – Nothing to report.

PCSO – Chair has been liaising with the police regarding the PCSO contract renewal. The new PCSO contract will cost the Parish Council approximately £6k per year for 5 hours a week. Following a lengthy discussion Cllr LeCount proposed a renewal of the contract, seconded by Cllr Franklin, 7 in favour and 1 against. Chair to organise a meeting to improve accountability going forwards.

Speedwatch – Cllr Walker and the Speedwatch team leader attended a Community Speedwatch event last week at Essex Fire HQ where the police and driver awareness groups gave a presentation about the national Vision Zero policy aimed at greatly reducing fatalities on road, particularly in Essex. They also met up with a representative from Essex Police, who is responsible for setting up the TruCAM across Essex.  The Speedwatch team has the opportunity to have Henham added to the TruCAM list which will help reduce the number of speeding incidents they are seeing in the village and are liaising with Essex Police in respect of setting this up. Unfortunately, no new volunteers have come forward to date. It was agreed that the Speedwatch team would publish quarterly in the Dragon the speed data in the hope that it might encourage more volunteers. Cllr Leech has researched camera to record speeding drivers who do not stop – Chair to liaise with Cllr Walker.

Management of Pledgdon Green – Nothing new to report.

Village Broadband – nothing new to report.

D Day June 2024 celebrations – Nothing new to report.

Stansted/Elsenham Surgery merger – Update re surgery merger circulated to Cllrs prior to this meeting. Stansted Surgery and Elsenham Surgery will be formally joining contracts to work together as one GP practice with effect from 1 July 2024. NHS England will be issuing a letter to all patients confirming the merger on 17th June. The new practice will be known as Peacock Surgery with the Elsenham site becoming a branch surgery of the main Stansted site. Services will continue to be delivered exactly as they are at the moment and no action is needed by patients. The current boundaries of Stansted Surgery and Elsenham Surgery will be combined. This will have no effect on the registered patients who live within this boundary. Hertfordshire and West Essex ICB and the practices are committed to ensure continuity of care for all patients. Further details about both practices can be found on their websites at Stansted Surgery and Elsenham Surgery.

Recorders of Uttlesford History (RUH) – The basic aim of RUH, an autonomous society that was set up 25 years ago, is to encourage parishes to record their own history in whatever way they feel able – this might be through building up a collection of archives, taking photographs, research, digitising, cataloguing, exhibitions, articles in their parish magazine etc. Few Recorders have time to do all these things, but just do whatever they have time for. The main thing is to have someone in each parish who is trying to preserve local heritage. In parishes where RUH cannot find someone to be the named Recorder, it is still very useful to have a village contact for our mailing list, whereby monthly updates are sent round on matters of mutual interest. Due to the scattered nature of Uttlesford, it only has one meeting a year, the annual meeting with a speaker, held in a different parish each year. Membership of RUH is £8 a year but it is happy to put anyone on the mailing list for a trial period without payment. Income goes towards maintenance of a website which carries a lot of local history – see address above. It was agreed to post an advert in the Dragon so see if any residents are interested in this role.

           (ii) Finance



From Whom Description Amount
UDC precept 20,570.00
SOV 100 April draw £385.00
Village Shop SOV shop donations £35.00
J Day & Son Memorial fees £80.00


 To Whom

(Invoice no.)

Description Amount VAT Total
M Dacey May Salary £501.13 £0.0 £501.13
Clear Insurance Management Ltd (LCO00320) Annual HPC insurance £455.47 £0.0 £455.47
Information Commissioner Annual fee £40.00 £0.0 £40.00
G King Hanging King’s portrait £20.00 £0.0 £20.00
Henham Village Hall 50% annual HPC grant £2,500.00 £0.0 £2,500.00
Elsenham Parish Council HPC contribution towards Bedwell Road Noise Consultant £2,450.00 £0.0 £2,450.00
Bit Solutions Ltd (30224) IT Flexmail assistance for Cllrs £27.50 £5.50 £33.00
JRB Enterprise Ltd (26917) Dog poo bags £66.64 £13.33 £79.97
SWARCO UK & Ireland Ltd (900266729) Speed Camera 2 year maintenance contract £524.53 £104.91 £629.44
M Dacey WFH allowance (April quarter) £78.00 £0.0 £78.00
Faraday Planning Ltd (J18NBL) Planning advice re Grind Hall development £995.00 £0.0 £995.00
Mokut Mower Services (62484) Grass cut 1/5, 15/5 & 29/5 £1440.00 £0.0 £1440.00
M Dacey Refund for Land Registry searches £18.00 £0.0 £18.00
Stanley Tee LLP (381575) Greens Access advice legal fees £800.00 £160.00 £960.00
Stanley Tee LLP (382114) Byelaws advice legal fees £1500.00 £300.00 £1800.00
Richard Buxton Solicitors Client Account (2131) Legal Advice re Local Plan £1395.00 £279.00 £1395.00
Ricki Shelsher (1122) Village windows and signs cleaning £50.00 £0.0 £50.00


Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – No update.


VAT Reclaim – This was submitted by the Clerk on 24/05/24 for the amount of £5,497.02.


Signing of AGAR 2023-24 for Henham PC – The Year-End Accounts, produced in conjunction with the Parish Council’s internal auditor, together with the unsigned and undated S1 and signed and dated S2 of the Annual Return and the Internal Auditor Report have been distributed to councillors for their appraisal prior to this meeting. These accounts have been used to prepare the AGAR (annual return) prior to submission to External Auditors. The steps below need to be taken in the following order in order to comply with the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015:


  • Annual Return Procedure Policy – the Parish Council approved the policy.
  • A review of the effectiveness of the system of internal control was carried out and the findings of the review was considered by the Parish Council;
  • It was resolved by the Parish Council that the Annual Governance Statement (s1) was approved, Cllr Fisher proposed the approval, Cllr LeCount seconded the proposal, nem con;
  • The Accounting Statements (s2) (which has been dated and signed by the RFO prior to this meeting) were considered by the Parish Council as a whole;
  • It was resolved by the Parish Council that the Accounting Statement (s2) was approved, Cllr Fisher proposed the approval, Cllr LeCount seconded the proposal nem con;
  • The Chair signed and dated the Accounting Statements (s2). The Chair and Clerk signed and dated the Annual Governance Statement (s1).


The dates set for the period for the exercise of public rights are as follows – commencing on 17 June 2024 and ending on 26 July 2024. The Parish Council thanks our internal auditor and the clerk for all their work. Documents on website.


  • Planning and Developments –


  • UTT/24/1083/FUL – proposed Installation of two new air source heat pumps and timber enclosure, Saint Marys Church, Church Street
  • UTT/24/1188/HHF – proposed Levelling of rear part of garden and erection of outbuilding, The Fuchsias Old Mead Lane – Cllr Franklin declared an interest and absented himself from any discussions. Sub-planning committee have agreed to ask our District Cllrs to call this in. Objection has been submitted on 22/5/24 by planning sub committee and this has been called in by District Cllr Lees.
  • UTT/24/1141/FUL – proposed Development of 3 no. detached houses, creation of wildlife garden and pathway route (privately owned and maintained public open space), landscaping, driveway, access and associated worksLand Adjacent to Grind Hall Wood End Green Henham – District Cllr Donald has called this in at the request of the planning sub committee with an extension granted by UDC until 23/6/24. A planning consultant has also been instructed by the sub planning committee. HPC objection submitted to UDC 13/6/24.
  • UTT/24/1318/HHF – proposed indoor swimming pool, Churchills, Old Mead Lane.
  • UTT/24/1308/HHF – proposed Demolition of existing single-storey rear extension and creation of new single-storey rear extension, 4 Woodend Cottages Chickney Road
  • UTT/24/1450/FUL – Proposed new one and a half storey self-build dwelling, Land Adjacent To Theydon Lodge North Hall Road
  • UTT/24/1045/FUL – proposed change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian and erection of 4 no. stable buildings. Proposed change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian and erection of 4 no. stable buildings, Land East Of Springfield House Henham Road


Breaches:  none

Appeals:  UTT/24/0073/HHF- APP/C1570/D/24/3344251: The Bell House Old Mead Road- proposed Proposed conversion of double garage and store to create 1 no. first floor annexe including addition of new enclosed two storey extension and creation of ground floor photographic studio. The appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.


Developments: UTT/24/0670/DFO (Re- Consultation) Mill Road Development (45 houses): Cllr Walker attended an informal meeting with the developers on 22nd May 2024 and Bellway have responded positively to the Parish Council concerns (including tree planting height and foul/surface water management) which is reflected in the update posted on the UDC planning portal.

BloorUTT/23/2063/DFO (200 houses) – Land East Of Station Road. Chair has written to UDC to ask them to ensure our comments from 14/9/23 are reinstated on the UDC portal.


Bedwell Road – UTT/24/0543/OP (240 houses) – Land North Of Bedwell Road And East Of Old Mead Road Ugley And Henham. The Parish Council’s objection now submitted.


Decisions: none


  • Highways Update OMR-OML – (1) Faded road markings were in the EH schedule for the year ending April 2023 but renewal remains outstanding. (2) Regarding the outstanding highways issues in this area mainly relating to blocked gulleys (which are now being cleared along OMR and North Hall Road), faded road markings, carriageway defects requesting urgent action, there has been some work on this and Cllr Franklin will review the remaining issues in the Autumn.

Essex Waste Lorries – Cllr Fisher has contacted County Cllr Gooding with details of numerous resident complaints. The Parish Council understands that not much can be done as it is not illegal, but has been advised it should collate reports as evidence. Cllr LeCount continues to look into the matter and will report back at the next meeting.

Mill Road/School Road yellow lines – Nothing to report.

School parking – Nothing to report

Potholes – Nothing to report.

Footpath 32 – Nothing to report.

Fly tipping at Brick End Lane – Nothing to report.


Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.


Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385

  1. Correspondence

Sent/Received: residents emails re Crow St pond, transporter trucks and greens damage

Planning Applications  – see 4(iii) above

  • Clerk – approximately 300 emails in May 2024.


  1. Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Local Plan Review – 2025 to 2040 Nothing to report.
  2. SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Nothing to report
  3. Governance – The NALC have issued an updated Model Financial Regulations for local councils, which has been circulated to cllrs and will be reviewed in the coming months.
  4. Local Plan – Documents related to the local plan can be found at: (1) Local Plan numbers allocation – Barrister now instructed. Solicitor fees have been paid. (2) Neighbourhood plan – Nothing to report.
  5. Henham SOV 100 Club draw –

May Draw

District Cllr B Donald conducted the draw. She drew from a black bag containing all current members lottery balls. The winning numbers were:

154 Members
1st Prize Number 129 (D Reynolds)  £223
2nd Prize Number 50 (P & S Ward)  £108

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £54 Cumulative total £328

Total funds received per draw were £770. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £385 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds. 


  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 4th July at 7:30pm. There is no meeting in August. Everyone Welcome                             Mareike Dacey, Clerk