
Minutes HPC Meeting 4th July 2024

Minutes Uploaded on July 9, 2024


 Minutes (unapproved) of a Parish Council Meeting

Date: Thursday 4 July 2024

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: OSCA, Henham

Present: Chair N. Baker, Cllrs S. Lee, G. LeCount, P. Franklin, J. Leech, Z. Rutterford, M. Fisher, C. Walker

Declaration of interests: The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.


  1. Apologies for Absence: District Cllr P. Lees, District Cllr B. Donald, County Cllr R. Gooding, Clerk M Dacey


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the 13 June 2024 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.


  1. Matters Arising –


  1. Reports and Recommendations
  • Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
  • Greens damage – It was previously agreed various greens works to be undertaken. This is ongoing. Additional work now authorised to clear debris from the felled tree in Crow street.
  • Greens Bylaws – As part of the ratification process the Parish Council needs to consult with residents regarding the new proposed bylaws. The draft Bylaws have been posted on the website and on Facebook on 26th June 2024. Residents have until 14th July to respond.
  • Greens Access – It was previously agreed the Chair would write to owner/developers confirming the Parish Council’s HPC greens access policy. Chair has now written to owners of Saffron House re greens access.
  • Coronation commemoration – Cllr Leech has installed the sculpture. Cllr Fisher will look into organising an opening ceremony. The Parish Council thanks Chris Mowbray of Henham Essex Metal Fabrications for creating and donating the sculpture to our village. The sculpture will be removed shortly for painting and realignment.
  • Church works – The car parked at the Church has been removed.
  • Resurfacing The Row – Repairs to be undertaken in due course.


Village ponds/Woodland – Cllr Walker continues to liaise with Planteria and the School and Woodland Trust regarding the woodland and the school’s curiosity approach to learning – a very productive meeting between them was held on 13/6/24 attended by Cllr Walker and Chair which included positive discussions about how to utilise the woodland for the benefit of the school and community. A tour of the Woodland for Planetaria owners was undertaken on 3rd July.

Village Hall – (1) General – update by Cllr Fisher. (2) Solicitors – no update (3) HPC Community Support Fund – Cllr Fisher is re-appraisimg the Community support fund.

PCSO – The PC have signed up to a further contribution to the costs of the PCSO. Chair will write to police service requesting better accountability for the PCSO time.

Speedwatch – (a) It was previously agreed Cllr Franklin would apply for VAR signage on OMR and submit an application form to Essex Highways, County Cllr has confirmed his support in writing for this application (b) Update re TruCam: a police representive visit the speed watch team on 4th July and are planning a exercise to use True Cam in the near future. The use of True Cam will mean that fines and points will be issued for speeding and other traffic offences. (c) Cllr Walker has purchased a suitable bodycam for the speedwatch team for £84.99.

Management of Pledgdon Green – (a) Ownership of Common Land – Cllr Rutherford is liaising with the local Farmer re maintenance of greens. (b) Conservation Area Status – Clerk has asked Broxted PC to see if the report has been issued, nothing received as yet.

Village Broadband – Nothing to report.

D Day June 2024 celebrations – The Parish Council thanks everyone involved in making the event such a success and in particular, Simon Bambridge. Parish Council’s net contribution was £1812.66 (band, bins, licence and toilet hire).

Stansted/Elsenham Surgery merger – Stansted Surgery and Elsenham Surgery will be formally joining contracts to work together as one GP practice with effect from 1 July 2024. All patients have been sent a communications direct from the surgeries regarding the merger.

Village Post Office – With effect from Monday 24th June, Royal Mail (a privately owned Company separate from Post Office Ltd) have said that they will stop collecting mail from satellite branches like Henham.   This means that from 24th June our village branch will not be able to accept ANY parcels or special orders such as guaranteed deliveries of currency orders. They will continue to serve for Banking Services like cash withdrawals and cheque or cash deposits but otherwise only small packets able to fit in the Post Box plus stamps and letters and can be accepted. Royal Mail said they could continue to collect if we paid £2000 per annum for the service but the shop has said they will not pay this on top of the already large Post Office charges which the Parish Council pay for the village. At present the Post Lady collects the mail from us on her routine rounds at no additional cost (or effort). Chair will meet with Chair of Village Shop to discuss.

Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN) – The Parish Council have been contacted by UCAN who currently have a number of enquiries from groups of volunteers who would like to volunteer together, this may be a group of 5-10 members, or even up to 20 and whether we might have any opportunities that arise for such groups to volunteer in our Parish. These opportunities include litter picking, DIY or gardening (on community buildings, club buildings, school buildings), helping out at a community event. Cllrs will consider the areas where this could be helpful. Cllr Walker will discuss with the School Governors.

UALC AGM – Wednesday 24th July – Cllr Franklin will attend on behalf of the Parish Council.

           (ii) Finance



From Whom Description Amount
SOV 100 May draw £385.00
Village shop Shop donations £5.00
Village shop Shop donations £40.00


 To Whom

(Invoice no.)

Description Amount VAT Total
M Dacey June Salary £501.13 £0.0 £501.13
Old School Community Association OSCA room hire Feb-June 24 £140.00 £0.0 £140.00
Paul Mower Village gardening and pond post cleaning Feb- May 24 £300.00 £0.0 £300.00
Henham Village Shop Association Ltd Post office fees May to August 2024 £2394.25 £0.0 £2394.25
Luxury Toilet Hire UK Ltd (220624) Balance Toilet Hire for D Day celebrations £536.25 £107.25 £643.50
Simon Bambridge Refund for Ellevate D Day music £600.00 £120.00 £720.00
Pat Doughty Village furniture repairs and maintenance £130.00 £0.0 £130.00
Uttlesford District Council (0000109447) Refuse bins for D Day festival £199.00 £0.0 £199.00
P Walker Refund for Speedwatch Bodycam £70.83 £14.16 £84.99
SW Transport Planning Ltd (0138) Grind Hall transport advice £450.00 £90.00 £540.00
Mokut Mower Services (62524) Grass cut 13/6, 26/6 and Wood End Green £1040.00 £0.0 £1040.00


Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – Cllr Fisher Cllr Fisher has been researching the best interest paying accounts which comply with our investment policy. This is ongoing.


Signing of AGAR 2023-24 for Henham PC – Paperwork submitted to our external auditors by the clerk on 14/6/24.


Clerk Bonus – The Parish Council has agreed to award the clerk a 2 month salary bonus, this will be paid in 4 equal instalments from August to November.


  • Planning and Developments –


  • UTT/24/1507/HHF – proposed demolition and replacement of existing outbuilding with previously approved proposed outbuilding, Cedar Cottage, Crow Street – Cllr Lee declared an interest and absented himself from any discussion.
  • Notice of a planning application received re Saffron Hall – No formal notification received from UDC planning as yet. Sub planning committee have agreed to seek professional planning advice from our planning expert. Cllr Fisher declared an interest and absented himself from any discussion.


Breaches:  none

Appeals:  none



UTT/24/0670/DFO (Re- Consultation) Mill Road Development (45 houses): Cllr Walker is liaising with Bellway regarding resident foul water concerns. All other PC issues have been dealt with.

BloorUTT/23/2063/DFO (200 houses) – Land East Of Station Road – Cllr Franklin attended a meeting with Bloor and EPC 2/7/24. Issues are S106 – surgery contribution, footpath at the level crossing, and drainage into Old Mead Road system. Briefing note prepared by Cllr Franklin was circulated to all Cllrs by clerk prior to this meeting. Minutes circulated by Clerk to all Cllrs 5/7/24.


Bedwell Road – UTT/24/0543/OP (240 houses) – Land North Of Bedwell Road And East Of Old Mead Road Ugley And Henham. No news on planning hearing yet.


Decisions: UTT/23/1732/FUL – proposed Change of use of paddock to residential and construction of 3 no. residential dwellings – Tudor Hall, Pledgdon Green – Refuse


  • Highways Update OMR-OML –(1) Faded road markings were in the EH schedule for the year ending April 2023 but renewal remains outstanding. (2) Regarding the outstanding highways issues in this area mainly relating to blocked gulleys (which are now being cleared along OMR and North Hall Road), faded road markings, carriageway defects requesting urgent action, there has been some work on this and Cllr Franklin will review the remaining issues in the Autumn.

Essex Waste Lorries – Cllr Fisher has contacted County Cllr Gooding with details of numerous resident complaints. The Parish Council understands that not much can be done as it is not illegal, but has been advised it should collate reports as evidence. Cllr LeCount continues to monitor. He awaits advice from Essex Highways and County Cllr Gooding.

Mill Road/School Road yellow lines – Nothing new to report.

School parking – Nothing new to report.

Potholes – Nothing new to report.

Footpath 32 – Cllr Franklin has established that the agreement to close the footpath relies on ECC providing an alternative footpath. Cllr Franklin will write to ECC and County Cllr Gooding asking why an alternative has not yet been provided.

Fly tipping at Brick End Lane – Nothing to report.


Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.


Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385

  1. Correspondence

Sent/Received: correspondence from Developer of Saffron House that they have submitted a planning application.

Planning Applications  – see 4(iii) above

  • Clerk – approximately 300 emails in June 2024.


  1. Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Local Plan Review – 2025 to 2040 Nothing to report.
  2. SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Nothing new to report
  3. Governance – Nothing new to report
  4. Local Plan – Documents related to the local plan can be found at: (1) Local Plan numbers allocation – The UDC Local Plan team have changed the rules and have not allocated the 200 houses to Henham as they are now basing allocation on a Settlement basis not a Parish basis. Therefore the 200 have been allocated to Elsenham not Henham.  Solicitors have now been instructed by the Parish Council. Barrister now instructed. Chair has requested an update from Solicitors

(2) Neighbourhood plan – Nothing to report.

  1. Henham SOV 100 Club draw –

June Draw

Cllr Rutterford conducted the draw. She drew from a black bag containing all current members lottery balls.
The winning numbers were:

1st Prize Number 9 (S Cowan)  £223
2nd Prize Number 66 (S Miley)  £108

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £54 Cumulative total £382. Total funds received per draw were £770. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £385 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 5th September at 7:30pm. There is no meeting in August. Everyone Welcome

Mareike Dacey, Clerk