
Minutes HPC Meeting 5th September 2024

Minutes Uploaded on September 10, 2024


 Minutes (unapproved) of a Parish Council Meeting

Date: Thursday 5 September 2024

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: OSCA, Henham

Present: Cllrs N. Baker, S.Lee, M. Fisher, P. Franklin, C. Walker, Z. Rutterford, G. LeCount, clerk M. Dacey and County Cllr R. Gooding

Declaration of interests: The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.


  1. Apologies for Absence: District Cllrs P. Lees and B Donald, Cllr J. Leech


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the 4 July 2024 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.


  1. Matters Arising –


  1. Reports and Recommendations
  • Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
  • Greens damage – Following an inspection of the greens by the Chair and Cllr Leech, whose recommendations report was circulated to all Cllrs prior to this meeting, it was previously agreed as follows: Lower end of Woodend Green owned by the Parish Council, pot holes to be filled in; road edges by village hall to be filled with soil and seeded; old concrete base by Henleys to be removed – already done, levelled and seeded; weeds in pond at far end of village by Chickney Road to be cleared; residents to be reminded to cut back their overgrown hedges (check for nesting birds first); soil and seed greens by OSCA, Hollybank and along Crow St; flooding on greens by Heathcote to be monitored, works ongoing.
  • Greens Bylaws – As part of the ratification process the Parish Council needs to consult with residents regarding the new proposed bylaws. The draft Bylaws and Statement of Assessment have been posted on the website. Residents had until 14th July to respond to the consultation, no responses received and bylaws now submitted to Secretary of State for approval by our solicitors and receipt acknowledged. An initial response from Secretary of State expected later this month.
  • Coronation commemoration – The sculpture will be located on the greens by Henleys. UDC have confirmed no planning required. Cllr Leech has re-installed the sculpture. Cllr Fisher will look into organising an opening ceremony. Railings which are being made at the request of the Parish Council for Health & Safety reasons are being made free of charge and to be installed shortly.
  • Church works – Works ongoing. Parish Council to monitor the state of greens, particularly the corner greens following completion of the works.
  • Resurfacing The Row – Repairs now completed.
  • Hall Close – A resident has requested the Parish Council trims back overhanging branches to the entrance of Hall Close. The Chair has asked our arborist to deal with this, works have now been carried out.
  • Bays Cottage – The Parish Council solicitors have been instructed to deal with the rights over greens for Bays Cottage.


Village ponds/Woodland – Cllr Walker continues to liaise with Planteria and the School and Woodland Trust regarding the woodland and the School’s curiosity approach to learning. Planteria met up with the school at the beginning of July and has since completed designs for the school woodland area for review and next steps. Following a site visit with Cllr Walker and Planteria has offered resources to assist with the ground clearing and strimmers as well as investigating the possibility of providing aerial drone footage in the autumn subject to the necessary air traffic control approval.  The response from the village interest group has been very positive and one of the volunteers is a volunteer warden with Essex Wildlife trust which will be a great asset to the team.  Cllr Walker hopes the group to grow as word spreads with current numbers around 8-10 so far. Cllr Walker organised meeting for volunteers by way of an introduction and information session on 3/9/24. Cllr Walker has also been investigating various funding options for the project. Clerk to notify our insurers of the voluntary clearing works. Cllr Walker to investigate cost of a first aid kit and a review of Health and Safety with Cllr Franklin’s assistance.

Village Hall – (1) General – UPDATE. (2) Solicitors – Have been instructed to review the ownership and responsibility for the village hall as the existing documentation is 100 years old and needs updating. The Parish Council will be added as a Trustee, relevant paperwork to be submitted to the Charities Commission, Cllr Fisher to investigate process. (3) HPC Community Support Fund – No update other than a report prepared by Dinky Dragons was circulated to Cllrs by the clerk.

PCSO – We will be allocated 20 hours per month of the PCSO’s time equalling 5 hours a week. This works out at £5927.25 a year. The Parish Council will receive a copy of a form he completes once a month outlining his activities for the previous month. We can amend the form to include other aspects if required. The Chair will meet with PCSO managers first week in October to discuss further accountability.

Speedwatch – (a) It was previously agreed Cllr Franklin would apply for VAR signage on OMR and submit an application form to Essex Highways, County Cllr has confirmed his support in writing for this application (b) Update re TruCam: a police representative visit the speed watch team on 4th July and are planning a exercise to use True Cam in the near future. The use of True Cam will mean that fines and points will be issued for speeding and other traffic offences, however questions have been raised regarding the repeater signs and how many and the location of them as vehicles are entering in the village from the national speed limit. The police representative will need to carry out another site inspection to clarify this and report back to Essex Police. (c) More volunteers are needed, please can any residents interested contact Cllr Walker.

Management of Pledgdon Green – (a) Ownership of Common Land – Cllr Rutterford continues to liaise with local farmer who might be able to obtain a grant for the upkeep of the common land.  Following a meeting between Cllr Rutterford and the farmer, it is suggested that the long term goals would be: To ensure the Green is kept as a pleasant green space for Henham Parish residents and to encourage and protect biodiversity in the context of the Green being a designated Local Wildlife Site and wildflower meadow. The local farmer has offered to undertake the task of mowing, turning, rowing up, baling and removing bales from the Green. As a consideration for next year, the farmer has offered to flail the Green early on, to help flowers grow above the grass. Cllr Rutterford to discuss with our ecologist a second opinion on the ecology. It is hoped it will be possible for the farmer to set the Green up within a Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme. If successful, Defra would subsidise maintenance, reducing the cost the Parish Council would need to cover for the farmer’s work. Farmer to provide an estimate.

(b) Conservation Area Status – Place Services to look into extending the proposed conservation area to include to the Pledgdon Green area has been circulated to all cllrs prior to this meeting. The report has suggested that the Pledgdon Green area (the extent of which at this stage is unclear) may be suitable for conservation area designation and the Parish Council wish to progress this. The next step would be for the Parish Council to commission the CAAMP for Pledgdon Green. Following completion of the CAAMP, senior management at UDC are required to review and approve the document. The activities that follow approval are summarised below and are coordinated by UDC: Consultation and associated works, Website, publication, Coordinate the public meeting, Notify statutory consultees, Consultation evaluation, Write and submit a report to Cabinet, Legal notices to the Secretary of State, Advertise in the London Gazette, Constraints mapping / final website update. Quote for CAAMP £5750 plus VAT previously circulated to cllrs for review ahead of this meeting. Broxted Parish Council advised they are not taking this any further. Following a discussion, Cllr Fisher proposed, seconded by Cllr LeCount, that the Parish Council agrees in principle to commission the CAAMP for Henham parish and that Cllr Rutterford would explore further the possibility of widening the proposed area, any additional costs to be agreed by Cllrs via email, approved nem con.

Village Broadband – Openreach and Gigaclear both have plans to bring Ultrafast Broadband to Village. The Parish Council has a responsibility to ensure residents are fully informed of both endeavours and have the information to make an informed decision that suits them: (1) Openreach Update from Cllr Fisher – Openreach has connected 163 residents during the summer, however they have encountered some infrastructure issues causing some delays to the roll out. (2) Gigaclear – Nothing to report.

Village Post Office – The village shop is funding the additional cost for parcels.

Uttlesford Community Action Network (UCAN) – The Parish Council have been contacted by UCAN who currently have a number of enquiries from groups of volunteers who would like to volunteer together, this may be a group of 5-10 members, or even up to 20 and whether we might have any opportunities that arise for such groups to volunteer in our Parish. These opportunities include litter picking, DIY or gardening (on community buildings, club buildings, school buildings), helping out at a community event. UCAN are hosting the Henham Christmas Market on 8th November.

UALC AGM – Wednesday 24th July – Cllr Franklin attended on behalf of the Parish Council and the clerk previously circulated his meeting report.

UDC Parish Council Standards Training – Cllr Franklin will kindly be attending UDC Parish Council Standards Training on behalf of the Parish Council on September 17th.

Cemetery – (a) A resident has made the Parish Council aware that grave spoil is being dumped at the side of the container in the cemetery car park. It would appear that, unnoticed, there has been spoil from graves dumped at the far side of the container.  It is now high enough to be blocking some air holes and causing dampness. The resident who liaises with the Parish Council regarding Cemetery matters has checked with the last diggers and have been assured that they removed their spoil. It would seem it has built up from previous burials unnoticed as the area is not readily visible. Going forwards she will write to all the undertakers to remind that in all cases spoil from graves must be removed from the site completely. The Parish Council has asked Cllr Leech to remove the spoil to clear the area which has been done, 2 tonnes, unfortunately this had to be carried out mainly by hand due to inaccessibility. (b) The clerk has circulated a Health and Safety report regarding a food van at the cemetery car park and concluded that this would not be a suitable location.

           (ii) Finance



From Whom Description Amount
Tees solicitors Deed of covenant fees re Caldecote £500.00


 To Whom

(Invoice no.)

Description Amount VAT Total
M Dacey July Salary £501.13 £0.0 £501.13
Henham Village Hall Final tranche Dinky Dragons Community Grant £128.00 £0.0 £128.00
JRB Enterprise Ltd (27142) Dog poo bags £66.64 £13.33 £79.97
M Dacey WFH allowance (Jul-Oct) £78.00 £0.0 £78.00
Jonathan Leech (24-07-826) Globe installation works on green £1245.30 £249.06 £1494.36
Jonathan Leech (24-07-825) Old bus stop removal works £586.00 £117.20 £703.20
Faraday Planning Ltd (N30LAQ) Saffron House development planning advice £1095.00 £0.0 £1095.00
Mokut Mower Services (62554) Grass cut 10/7 & 24/7 £960.00 £0.0 £960.00
Essex County Council (222022) 50% Conservation Area report professional fee £585.00 £117.00 £702.00
Linda Peake Refund for Cemetery refuse collection £50.00 £0.0 £50.00
M Dacey August Salary and 1st quarter of annual bonus £751.70 £0.0 £751.70
JRB Enterprise Ltd (27326) Dog poo bags £66.64 £13.33 £79.97
Ricki Shelsher (1132) Village windows and signs cleaning £50.00 £0.0 £50.00
Pat Doughty Village furniture maintenance £472.50 £0.0 £472.50
Treecology (02123) Cemetery hedge cutting and Hall Close Crown reduction £450.00 £90.00 £540.00
Faraday Planning Ltd (X39GLQ) Preparation of planning response to additional comments, Saffron House development £445.00 £0.0 £445.00
Stanley Tee LLP (385524) Legal fees for Greens By Laws submission £425.00 £85.00 £510.00
Richard Buxton Solicitors Client Account (HEN3/2) Legal advice re Local Pan Reg 19 £2,700.00 £540.00 £3,240.00
Mokut Mower Services (62585) Grass cut 7/8 & 21/8 £960.00 £0.0 £960.00
PKF Littlejohn LLP (SB20241082) External auditor fees £315.00 £63.00 £378.00
Jonathan Leech (24-08-837) Repairs to the Row and the Globe sculpture £600.00 £120.00 £720.00
Simon Bambridge Refund for VAR speed camera batteries £15.24 £3.05 £18.29
Stanley Tee LLP (386628) Legal fees re Village Hall advice £525.00 £105.00 £630.00


Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – Cllr Fisher Cllr Fisher has been researching the best interest paying accounts which comply with our investment policy. This is ongoing. The Yorkshire Building Society investment which matures on 6/9/24 has been rolled over for another 6 months at 4.65%.


AGAR 2023-24 – The Year-End Accounts have been approved by the external auditor by the clerk. Notice of Conclusion of Audit will be published on website and noticeboard on 6 September 2024.


Q4 Accounts for 23/24 – These have been prepared by the clerk and given to Cllr Fisher for approval.



  • Planning and Developments –


  • UTT/24/1757/FUL – proposed erection of 3 no. self build dwellings with garaging and associated landscaping, Saffron House High Street – Cllr Fisher declared an interest and absented himself from any discussion. It was previously agreed to use our planning advisor. District Cllr Lees as been asked to call this in. UTT/24/1757/FUL – Re-consultation proposed Erection of 3 no. self build dwellings with garaging and associated landscaping, Saffron House High Street Henham. Planning consultant instructed to prepare a response on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllr Fisher declared an interest and absented himself from any discussion.


  • UTT/24/1885/LB – proposed Conversion of part of a first floor dressing room into a shower room, Yew Tree Cottage Chickney Road


  • UTT/24/1753/LB – proposed replacement of external door and door frame, The Old Coach House Pledgdon Green


  • Fire access concerns Old Mead Lane – A resident has contacted the Parish Council regarding serious concerns regarding the lack of access for fire services along OML following a recent fire on 21 August 2024 which spread to several properties on OML. Planning is the responsibility of UDC and the Parish Council only has an advisory role to comment on applications. In this case, we did comment and express fire safety concerns but were ignored. The planning subcommittee recommends wrote to UDC planning expressing dismay and grave concern at what has happened and ask for an urgent review of the Fire risks on other Planning applications along OMR. UDC planning acknowledges our concerns, however, confirmed it is not for the Planning Process to duplicate or intrude upon matters covered by other regulatory processes.


Breaches:  none

Appeals:  APP/C1570/D/24/3344251 – UTT/24/0073/HHF – The Bell House, Old Mead Road -Appeal dismissed



UTT/24/0670/DFO (Re- Consultation) Mill Road Development (45 houses): Cllr Walker is liaising with Bellway regarding resident foul water concerns.

BloorUTT/23/2063/DFO (200 houses) – Land East Of Station Road – Cllr Franklin to attend a meeting with Bloor and EPC 2/7/24. Issues are S106 – surgery contribution, footpath at the level crossing, and drainage into Old Mead Road system. UDC Enforcement has confirmed that the yellow advertising signs signposting new developments are permitted to be put up provided it meets specific criteria set out in Class 11 of The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007.


Bedwell Road – UTT/24/0543/OP (240 houses) – Land North Of Bedwell Road And East Of Old Mead Road Ugley And Henham. Nothing to report.


Decisions: UTT/23/1732/FUL – proposed Change of use of paddock to residential and construction of 3 no. residential dwellings – Tudor Hall, Pledgdon Green – Refuse


  • Highways Update OMR-OML – Nothing to report.

Essex Waste Lorries – Cllr LeCount continues to monitor. It was noted that the Hall Road closure has resulted in less waste lorries traffic.

Mill Road/School Road yellow lines – Nothing to report.

School parking – Nothing to report.

Potholes – Nothing new to report.

Footpath 32 – Cllr Franklin has established that the agreement to close the footpath relies on ECC providing an alternative footpath. Cllr Franklin has written to County Cllr Gooding on 7/7/24 and 1/8/24 asking why an alternative has not yet been provided. County Cllr Gooding confirmed that the issue is there is no suitable alternative footpath and that the legal process is ongoing resulting in the reinstatement of the temporary notice.

Fly tipping at Brick End Lane – Nothing new to report.

Diversion route through Brick End Lane – Cllr Rutterford has been liaising with ECC/EH throughout the summer recess requesting clear diversion signs are installed to avoid the chaos on previous occasions when Hall Road to airport is closed and Sat Navs direct traffic through Brick End Lane/Pledgdon Green. County Cllr Gooding will liaise with Cllr Rutterford and Cllr LeCount regarding setting a meeting at County Hall to discuss the serious ongoing issues.

Toot Toot signage: Cllr LeCount has asked County Cllr Gooding to follow up on obtaining road safety signage.

Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.


Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385

  1. Correspondence

Sent/Received: email from resident re overhanging branches to entrance of Hall Close; email from resident re Bloor signage; email from resident re greens access; email from resident re fire concerns on OML.

Planning Applications  – see 4(iii) above

  • Clerk – approximately 250 emails in July and August 2024 respectively.


  1. Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Local Plan Review – 2025 to 2040 Nothing to report.
  2. SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Nothing new to report
  3. Governance – Nothing new to report
  4. Local Plan – Documents related to the local plan can be found at: (1) Local Plan numbers allocation – Chair submitted comments on the Local Plan on behalf of Henham Parish Council. Elsenham Parish Council is supporting the fact that the 200 houses have been wrongly allocated to their parish. The UDC Local Plan team have changed the rules and have not allocated the 200 houses to Henham as they are now basing allocation on a Settlement basis not a Parish basis. Therefore the 200 have been allocated to Elsenham not Henham.  Solicitors have now been instructed by the Parish Council. Barrister now instructed.

In addition, unfortunately there is a new allocation in the Reg 19 consultation of an additional 110 houses in respect of the Bloor development. This new land for 110 houses was not included in the Call for Sites in this Draft Local Plan. It has never been included in any consultation or planning application, save in the area of a planning application refused by a Planning Inspector for 800 houses, and in a previous Uttlesford Draft Local Plan in 2009 which was rejected by the Local Plan Inspector hearing the Local Plan application. HPC and EPC have requested that the Local Plan Committee vote to turn down this part of the Reg 19 consultation whilst agreeing on the rest of the draft plan. This extra allocation has not been properly considered by residents, and local administrations have not had the opportunity to comment or understand the allocation. It has not been subjected to any evidence or testing procedures or any consultation.  It will place the whole Local Plan in jeopardy if not addressed at this stage. District Cllr Donald spoke at UDC on 15 /7/24 on behalf of both parish councils.

Chair attended a Q&A session at UDC on 19/8/24. Chair has written to UDC with specific questions relating to the disputed figures, UDC has responded, response circulated to cllrs and our solicitors prior to this meeting. Residents have been asked NOT to respond to the UDC consultation until Parish Council receives legal advice. Consultation period has been extended by 14 days, advice for residents expected imminently and will be advertised via the Dragon, social media and our website. All residents will be encouraged to respond.

(2) Neighbourhood plan – Nothing to report.

  1. Henham SOV 100 Club draw –

Cllr Z Rutterford conducted the draws. She drew from a black bag containing all current members lottery balls. The winning numbers were:

July 154 Members

1st Prize Number 68 (D Sammons)  £223
2nd Prize Number 76 (S Leech)  £108

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £54 Cumulative total £376

Total funds received per draw were £770. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £385 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.

August 154 Members

1st Prize Number 63 (J Haddock)  £223
2nd Prize Number 145 (C K Reddey)  £108

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £54 Cumulative total £430

Total funds received per draw were £770. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £385 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds. 

  1. Date of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 3rd October 2024 at 7:30pm. Everyone Welcome

Mareike Dacey, Clerk