Minutes of a Council Meeting
Date: Thursday 2 March 2023
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: OSCA, Henham
Present: District Cllr and Cllr G. LeCount, Chair N. Baker, Cllrs S. Lee, M. Fisher, P. Franklin, J. Leech, M. Francis and Clerk M. Dacey
Declaration of interests: The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.
- Apologies for Absence – District Cllr P. Lees, County Cllr R. Gooding, Cllr Z. Rutterford, PCSO A. Stewart
- Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the 2 February 2023 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.
- Matters Arising
- Reports and Recommendations
- Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
- Greens damage – (1) Erosion – General greens erosion in the village causing other potholes. Cllr Leech previously presented a comprehensive document with supportive photographs and examples of honeycomb matting. It was previously agreed that the Chair and Cllr Leech would review greens damage in the Spring. (2) Construction damage by Hollybank – Cllr Lee is monitoring the situation and has spoken to the Contractor who has agreed to reinstate the greens. Chair will provide details of width of driveway to Cllr Lee. Greens will be reinstated by the contractor once works are completed which is anticipated by the summer.
- Gravelling over and parking on Greens at Bell Cottage, High Street – At the December meeting, it was agreed the Chair would ask our solicitors to send another letter to the resident requesting restoration of the greens by 28 February 2023 otherwise the Parish Council will commence legal proceedings. The letter was sent to the resident in February 2023 who has since responded to our solicitor confirming the gravel would be removed by this deadline. The gravel was removed and grass seed laid on 23/2/23. Following a discussion it was agreed that a further legal letter would be sent to the resident to obtain an undertaking to no longer park on the greens. The Parish will undertake a full restoration of the greens outside the property as part of its spring greens repair programme.
- Greens Bylaws – Following a discussion it was agreed the Chair would instruct our solicitors to carry out a review of the current bylaws which are very out of date and are currently at odds with the rules and regulations of the police service.
- Hire car parking along High Street- The Chair has received complaints from residents regarding recent hire car/van parking along the High Street from causing road safety issues with exiting driveways and Highfields along the High Street. The PCSO has helpfully provided details of the registered owners of the vehicles (hire companies) and the Chair wrote to Auxillis Ltd which is based in the village asking the vehicles to be removed. Cllr Fisher had a positive meeting with the company representatives of Northgate Plc who own Auxillis Ltd on 1/3/23 who apologised for the inconvenience. They explained that they are in the process of relocating and if any problems occur then the Parish Council may contact them.
Village ponds – Nothing to report.
Village Hall – Update from Cllr Fisher. Works are progressing well with completion anticipated towards the end of March. The village hall committee continues to apply for funding grants.
PCSO – (a) planned review meeting has been postponed. New date to be confirmed. (b) Our PCSO has arranged a new drop in beat surgery in Henham. He will be on hand in the Village Shop for residents to have a chat, discuss crime prevention and talk about local community concerns on the following dates between 12:00-13:00: Wed 8th March and Wed 12th April 2023. Residents are encouraged to attend. (c) Unfortunately there have been 2 burglaries in OML and 1 in OMR within the past 4 months. Cllr Franklin is liaising with the PCSO regarding reassurance visits to residents on OML following the latest burglary.
Speedwatch – (a) The clerk has previously circulated emails to Cllrs regarding a proposal to join the ‘20’s Plenty’ speed reduction campaign that is being promoted across Essex, initiated by Pleshey Parish Council. Following a discussion, it was agreed nem con that the Parish Council would not join the campaign due to enforcement concerns. However, it was noted that a 20mph Zone around the school might be worth investigating. It was also noted that the Parish Council continues to support the application for Pledgdon Green/Brick End Lane quiet lane/20mph status – the clerk chased County Cllr Gooding 3/3/23 for an update. (b) The Chair has received a quote for maintenance of the two VAR signs – £339.90 plus vat per year for the Silver or £499.55 plus vat for the Gold. It was agreed nem con to opt for the gold service level of maintenance (c) Cllr Franklin is still waiting a response from Essex Highways regarding speedwatch on OMR. (d) Cllr LeCount requested that the Parish Council looks into whether it is feasible to have a VAR sign on OMR. The chair agreed to liaise with the speedwatch team.
Management of Pledgdon Green –The PCSO has been liaising with Cllr Rutterford regarding the existing damage caused by cars driving over the common land is planning to speak to neighbouring properties about this.
Coronation Event –There will be an additional bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023. Cllr Lee will liaise with Cllr Fisher regarding proposals for an event based around the re-opening of the village hall and will liaise with the village hall and fete committees.
Website – It was previously agreed that Cllr Lee would liaise with the specialist IT company for producing a new website for the parish council. The clerk and Cllr Lee had a meeting last month to ascertain a general specification for the Parish Council’s requirements. Cllr Lee has contacted the IT company and is awaiting further details of their proposals.
UDC Foodbank Liaison – The clerk had a meeting with the UDC foodbank delivery service which is supported by the Trussell Trust. The aim is to get as much information as possible out to residents in need in the village. It was agreed that UDC Foodbank would provide the clerk with posters and signposting information for circulation via website/noticeboard/village shop/school and Dragon. There is also a Touchpoint food share which is held at Elsenham Bowls Club, Leigh Drive CM22 6BY every Tuesday 9:30-10:30am.
Grass-cutting contract – As our contractor has agreed to hold his prices for this year and provides an excellent service, cllrs have agreed to continue with his contract for another year.
Remembrance Sunday Road Closure – The clerk has applied to UDC for the usual road closure for Sunday 12th November 2023.
Noise pollution OMR/OML – Residents in the OMR/OML area are concerned about extensive noise pollution from bird scarers and that the local farmer is not adhering to NFU guidelines. A resident gave a detailed presentation to the Paish Council at this meeting and confirmed that a formal complaint has been made to UDC environmental health who have been looking into the matter and liaising with the farmer, police and residents. In a subsequent meeting between the parties, it was established that the farmer was only adhering to 2 out of 17 NFU guidelines. The resident submitted a copy of these NFU guidelines to the clerk at this meeting and will continue to keep the Parish Council informed, although this is a matter or UDC environmental health and not the Parish Council.
Village Information booklets – The latest version kindly produced by Cllr LeCount was last updated in 2020. It was agreed that Cllr LeCount would provide an updated booklet in the coming months.
Great British Spring Clean 2023 – The clerk has circulated an email regarding the Keep Britain Tidy Campaign during March-April. Following a discussion, it was agreed the Chair would forward details of the campaign to a resident to see if there would be any potential volunteers.
Elsenham Surgery PPG – Cllr LeCount is the Chair of the Patient Participation Group and has circulated details to cllrs prior to this meeting. A representative from the surgery will give a presentation at next month’s meeting.
(ii) Finance
Receipts |
From Whom | Description | Amount | ||
SOV 100 Club | Dec draw | £400.00 | ||
SOV 100 Club | Jan draw | £400.00 | ||
Village shop | SOV donations | £25.00 | ||
Roberts | Memorial stone fee | £80.00 | ||
To Whom
(Invoice no.) |
Description | Amount | VAT | Total |
Saffron Services Ltd (0622) | Village Hall Boiler replacement | £4508.33 | £901.67 | £5,410.00 |
Mr David Honour (1222) | Village Hall Ceiling Works – balance payment of reduced fee | £4980.00 | £996.00 | £5,976.00 |
Mr David Honour (1219) | Village Hall Storage Add on works | £10,348.00 | £2069.60 | £12,417.60 |
Mr David Honour (1221) | Village Hall Wall insulation works | £8,508.00 | £1,701.60 | £10,209.60 |
Mr David Honour (1220) | Village Hall Excavation damp and slab works | £1,140.00 | £228.00 | £1,368.00 |
Pat Doughty | Carters Lane Post repairs with spurs | £450.00 | £0.0 | £450.00 |
M Dacey | Annual printing costs (ink/paper etc) | £96.40 | £0.0 | £96.40 |
M Dacey | Clerk’s salary (January) | £419.89 | £0.0 | £419.89 |
Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – Cllr Fisher- update by Cllr Fisher regarding his previous presentation by Cllr Fisher for 23/24 strategy. Update by Cllr Fisher regarding interest rates for Nationwide accounts which will be reviewed in the summer when the bond matures.
2022-2023 Accounts – Q2 Accounts for 22/23 have been reviewed and approved by Cllr Fisher.
- Planning and Developments –
- UTT/23/0249/HHF – Single storey rear extension (previously approved) with part first floor rear extension over. Ground floor has an extant permission, The Fuchsias Old Mead Lane – Cllr Franklin previously declared an interest to the planning sub group committee and has absented himself from all discussions. The Chair has been liaising with UDC planning officer regarding clarification of the Permitted Development guidelines.
Breaches: Continuing breaches at Cedar Cottage– This is now under an enforcement notice which becomes operational and effective on 31/1/22. Parish Council continues to monitor the situation. The clerk emailed UDC enforcement for an update 3/3/23. UTT/22/2838/HHF – proposed Replacement roof, replacement fenestration and minor alterations to existing outbuilding, Cedar Cottage Crow Street – HPC have registered their continued objection on the basis that the existing structure is illegal and under enforcement proceedings and the proposals increase the roof height.
Appeals: n/a
Mill Road Development : Nothing to report
Bloor Homes – Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 62A Applications) – Outline Planning Application with all matters Reserved except for the Primary means of access for the development of up to 200 residential dwellings along with landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure works at Land East of Station Road, Elsenham. PINS hearing scheduled for 12 December 2022. Cllr LeCount and our professional team are lined up to speak at the hearing. The Planning Inspector has been informed of the potential closure of Elsenham Station car park by the Parish Council on 11/1/23. Cllr Franklin has previously sought clarification regarding the traffic monitor on OMR from County Cllr Gooding who believes it has been installed by the developer. Network Rail has made a representation which our transport consultant has reviewed. There was also a Transport Addendum Report submitted on 23/2/23 on behalf of Countryside Properties Plc. Deadline for comment 17/3/23. The proposals affect the 350 and the 200 houses applications. The transport consultant is shared by EPC and HPC will respond on behalf EPC and HPC.
Decisions: UTT/22/3278/OP – Outline Planning Application, with all matters reserved except scale & access, for the erection of up to 7 dwellings and associated work, Land West of Old Mead Road
- Highways – NOTE County Cllr Gooding is attending a Highways Panel meeting 3/3/23 and will provide an update in due course.
North Hall Road: Nothing to report
Hall Road, Henham: Nothing to report
OMR-OML – Nothing to report
Mill Road/School Road yellow lines – Nothing to report
Pledgdon Green Lane/Brick End Road – Nothing to report
Potholes – County Cllr Gooding has confirmed he has received confirmation this week that some of those that were identified within Henham have now been scheduled for repair.
Toot Toot bridge – Cllr Franklin has reported to County Cllr Gooding on 30/12/22 the missing “Sound your horn” signs which have been removed at some point from either side of the bridge and lack of road markings or warnings at the bridge of “single track only” or any form of priority and requested this is resolved by Essex Highways as a matter of urgency in order to avoid more accidents. Cllr LeCount agreed to raise this at the Highways Panel.
Litter around OMR –Following a complaint from a resident regarding litter in the OMR area, Cllr Franklin has been liaising with District Cllr Lees who has requested that the Ranger service deal with this before they are disbanded.
Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site www.essex.gov.uk/highways (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.
Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: swilliams@uttlesford.gov.uk Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385
- Correspondence
Sent/Received: directors of Highfields re hire car parking; resident re Hall Road signage
Planning Applications – see 4(iii) above
- Clerk – approximately 250 emails in February 2023.
- Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Nothing to report.
- SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Cllr LeCount raised a concern regarding the proposed changes in flight path which would result in more flights being over Henham. The Parish Council will conduct an urgent review regarding the airport proposals and consultation process.
- Governance – The clerk has previously circulated the updated Code of Conduct to Cllrs which UDC has recommended that all Parish Councils adopt the update version. Proposed by Cllr LECount and Seconded by Cllr Francis, approved nem con.
- Local Plan – Documents related to the local plan can be found at: www.uttlesford.gov.uk/new-local-plan.
- Henham SOV 100 Club draw –
February Draw
Cllr Matthew Francis conducted the draw. He drew from a black bag containing all current members lottery balls. The winning numbers were:
Feb 160 Members
1st Prize Number 39 (J Bawden) £232
2nd Prize Number 112 (R Sweeney) £112
3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £56 Cumulative total £168
Total funds received per draw were £800. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £400 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.
- Date of Next Meeting
The next Parish meeting will be held on Thursday 6 April 2023 at 7:30pm at OSCA – Everyone Welcome.
Please note future meeting date changes as follows:
The Annual Parish Council meeting on May 4th is cancelled due to local elections, rescheduled for Thursday 18th May at 7:30pm. The Annual Parish Meeting will be scheduled for 7pm Thursday 2nd June with the Parish Council meeting following directly afterwards at 7:30pm.
Mareike Dacey, Clerk