Minutes (unapproved) Parish Council Meeting
Date: Thursday 7th September 2023
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: OSCA, Henham
Present: N. Baker, J.Leech, S. Lee, P. Franklin, G.LeCount, District Cllr P. Lees and Clerk M. Dacey
Declaration of interests: The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.
- Apologies for Absence: District Cllr B. Donald, County Cllr R. Gooding, Cllrs M. Fisher, M. Francis, Z. Rutterford
- Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the 6 July 2023 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.
- Matters Arising
- Reports and Recommendations
- Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
- Greens damage – (1) Erosion – Nothing to report (2) (i) Construction damage by Hollybank – Cllr Lee is monitoring the situation and is in discussions with the contractor regarding a plan for the repairs over the coming weeks. (ii) Driveway – New narrow strip has been installed and will be coloured matched to driveways along Crow Street, under supervision of Cllr Lee.
- Greens Bylaws – Legal advice now received. Procedure for updating laws is lengthy and complicated. Chair will be reviewing over the coming months.
- Starr Road Signage and pot holes – UDC called the Chair in July to say that a resident refused them permission to install the new the Starr Road sign. The Chair confirmed to UDC that this must be installed and the resident had no right to refuse permission as it is not being installed on their land, even though their replacement hedging and logs have been planted in front of the old sign, evidence supporting this has bee sent to UDC. This is now a matter for UDC and the resident. Chair to monitor.
- Coronation commemoration – Nothing to report.
- Tree Inspection – The Chair instructed our arborist to conduct our 2 yearly tree inspection which was carried w/c 21 August – quotation for £1065. The mowing sub-contractor for strimming accidentally damaged the trunk of the Jubilee Tree and has provided a tree protection slip to prevent any further damage when strimming. Our arborist noted evidence of strimmer damage on other trees, our mower contractor has been advised and will ensure his sub contactors do not strim around the trees going forwards. The Parish Council are awaiting the arborist report, however, some trees at the back of the pond need pollarding, it is hoped works can be combined with removing the fallen tree in the pond.
- Church works – The Parish Council has been advised that the main groundworks are to commence w/c 14thaugust with the church being handed over to the contractors on 11th September with an expectation that the church will be back in use Aug/Sept 2024. PCC are anticipating a site meeting in August/early Sept 23 and Cllr Lee will be invited along to meet the contractor. The contractor will not be siting buildings etc on the green before they start on 11th September 2023.
- Footpath hedge trimming – There are some overgrown hedging along village footpaths/pavements. Cllr Leech to provide Chair with locations so that the Chair can ask residents to trim back their hedging now that the nesting season is over.
- Old Mead Road signposts – The Parish Council would like to thank the resident for refurbishing the two old signposts at the Hall Road junction in Old Mead Road, the resulting work is fantastic and we are extremely grateful for his community spirit.
Village ponds/Woodland – Nothing to report.
Village Hall – (1) Solicitors – have been instructed to review the ownership and responsibility for the village hall as the existing documentation is 100 years old and needs updating. Legal advice still awaited. (2) HPC Community Support Fund – successful application by Dinky Dragons Playgroup which Cllrs have approved. Enquiries have been made by the Christmas Fayre committee. (3) Village hall grant – Cllrs agreed nem con that the Clerk can issue the 2nd half of the Parish Council village hall grant which is £2,500.
PCSO – The PCSO will be available to discuss any resident concerns in the village shop between 10am-1am on the following dates: August 7th and 17th, September 4th and 13th, October 18th , November 6th and 20th and December 11th 2023. Everyone welcome.
Speedwatch – Nothing to report.
Management of Pledgdon Green – (a) Solicitors have now been instructed and have quoted £500-750 plus VAT, legal advice still awaited (b) A resident has emailed the Parish Council about a property running an airport parking business at Pledgdon Green.
Website – The clerk has finished populating the new website, which involves uploading all documents and formatting the template. Website went live 29/8/23 https://henham-pc.gov.uk . The Parish Councils would encourage residents to provide the clerk with any additional information they would like to see on the new website eg details clubs/societies, photos etc. Please note the old website will still be available but will no longer be updated as of August 2023. Clerk circulated information to all Cllrs re email storage and recommended that Cllrs have a gov.uk email address to do HPC work. Cllr Lee proposed to adopt the Flexmail system provided by the website company at a slightly higher annual cost which allows 10GB storage for up to 10 Cllrs, seconded by Cllr LeCount. The clerk has a new email address: clerk@henham-pc.gov.uk .This means that the Parish Council is now compliant with our Audit regulations for 23/24.
Gigaclear – Nothing to report other than Cllr Franklin continues to chase Gigaclear to repair the damaged box on OML which residents have repaired at the own expense and are seeking recompense from Gigaclear (Complaint Case Number: 01370719).
BASICS Essex (British Association for Immediate Care Essex) – BASICS has made a request for the Parish Council to make a donation via the website. It is a network of volunteer emergency doctors and paramedics, who provide immediate access to pre hospital ‘Immediate Medical Care’. District Cllr Lees to investigate.
Bus Consultation – ECC have launched a consultation on their Supported Local Bus Services 2024-2028. They would like to obtain people’s views to help us shape the bus network across the County. Please note this consultation does not include the commercial bus network. The consultation commences 14 July 2023 and closes 05 October 2023. Residents are encouraged to complete the survey online by visiting the web site https://consultations.essex.gov.uk/iptu/2023.If people are unable to complete the consultation online, a hard copy of the consultation can be sent on request via passenger.transport@essex.gov.uk or telephoning 0345 743 0430 or 0345 603 7631. Cllr Francis to submit a response on behalf of the Parish Council.
(ii) Finance
Receipts |
From Whom | Description | Amount | ||
SOV 100 Club | June draw | £400.00 | ||
Village shop | SOV donations | £50.00 | ||
HMRC | VAT refund | £22,667.11 | ||
To Whom
(Invoice no.) |
Description | Amount | VAT | Total |
M Dacey | July Salary | £462.30 | £0.0 | £462.30 |
Gillian Foster | Refund for defibrillator pads | £55.00 | £11.00 | £66.00 |
M Dacey | Quarterly WFH allowance | £78.00 | £0.0 | £78.00 |
Paul Mower | Pond railings restoration work | £593.00 | £0.0 | £593.00 |
SSE | Annual donation | £250.00 | £0.0 | £250.00 |
Uttlesford District Council (0000102293) | Rental fee large bins Coronation Event | £215.00 | £0.0 | £215.00 |
Ricki Shelsher (1078) | Village windows and signs cleaning | £50.00 | £0.0 | £50.00 |
PA Knott (62167) | Grass cut 12/7 & 26/7 | £910.00 | £0.0 | £910.00 |
JRB Enterprise Ltd (25701) | Dog poo bags | £39.98 | £0.0 | £39.98 |
M Dacey | July Salary plus annual bonus | £1849.20 | £0.0 | £1849.20 |
Pat Doughty | Signage repairs by the pub | £240.00 | £0.0 | £240.00 |
PA Knott (62194) | Grass cut 9/8/ & 23/8 | £910.00 | £0.0 | £910.00 |
PKF Littlejohn LLP (SB20230487) | External Auditor Fees | £420.00 | £84.00 | £504.00 |
Henham Village Shop Association Ltd (H00064) | Post Office fees Aug-Nov 23 | £2,394.25 | £0.0 | £2,394.25 |
JRB Enterprise Ltd (25857) | Dog Poo Bags | £66.64 | £13.33 | £79.97 |
SW Transport Planning Ltd (0120) | Professional transport advice and automatic traffic counter survey re Four Winds, OML | £975.00 | £195.00 | £1,170.00 |
M Dacey | August Salary | £462.30 | £0.0 | £462.30 |
Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – Cllr Fisher- update Cllr Fisher has been researching the best interest paying accounts which comply with our investment policy over the summer recess. Cllr Fisher and the clerk have been liaising with Yorkshire Building Society in order to invest the Parish Council’s cash reserves of £280k into a higher paying rate of interest at 5.44% for one year with an annual interest of £15,301.81. The deposit was made on 6/9/23. The Nationwide account ending 148 has been closed – closing balance £270,169.98 which includes £5,297.45 annual interest. The Parish Council thanks Cllr Fisher for all his hard work.
AGAR 2022-23 for Henham PC – The Year-End Accounts have been approved by the external auditor by the clerk. Notice of Conclusion of Audit will be published on website and noticeboard on 8 September 2023.
2023-2024 Accounts – Q1 Accounts for 23/24 have been submitted by the clerk to Cllr Fisher for review and approval.
- Planning and Developments –
- UTT/23/0713/OP – Outline Planning Application, With All Matters Reserved Except Scale & Access, for the erection of up to 7 dwellings and associated work, Land West Of Old Mead Road The Parish Council previously objected to a previous application and have submitted an objection. This has been called in by District Cllr Lees.
- UTT/23/1724/HHF – proposed new front entrance porch, single storey side and rear extensions with changes to fenestration, with additional dormer and fenestration to existing annexe, York Cottage, Crow Street
- UTT/23/1741/FUL – proposed Erection of an office building (Use Class E(g)(i)), parking area and associated works, Mill Pond Nursery Mill Road
- UTT/23/1732/FUL – proposed Change of use of paddock to residential and construction of 3 no. residential dwellings, Tudor Hall Pledgdon Green. This has been called in by District Cllr Lees. The Planning Sub Committee have submitted an objection with a further evidence submitted on 31/8/23.
- UTT/23/1799/HHF – proposed Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of replacement single storey rear extension – Littlebrook, Crow Street
- The Barn, Old Mead Road – Cllrs Franklin and Leech have absented themselves from any discussions or involvement in this matter. (a) planning consent granted for 2 dwellings at The Barn, Old Mead Road. The conditions on the visibility splays at the exit onto Old Mead Road and conditions had to be met before ground works started on the properties. Groundworks have now started. (b) UTT/23/2092/FUL – proposed dwelling and cartlodge garage on Plot 2 (alternative design to that approved under planning permission UTT/21/2328/FUL), The Barn Old Mead Road – Chair will submit an objection on behalf of the Parish Council as to the addition of a new pedestrian access onto OML.
- UTT/23/1760/HHF – proposed single storey rear extension, Ugley Lodge North Hall Road
- UTT/23/1382/FUL – proposed erection of a new detached 4 bedroom dwelling, Four Winds Old Mead Lane – Cllr Franklin has withdrawn from meetings regarding this application on grounds of personal interest. Planning Sub Committee obtained the advice of our transport consultant and a traffic counter survey (equipment was subsequently vandalised) which has been submitted together with the Parish Council’s objection. This has been called in by District Cllr Lees.
- UTT/23/1953/HHF – proposed Erection of detached garden room, Dolls Cottage, The Row
Breaches: Continuing breaches at Cedar Cottage– Nothing to report.
Not Building in accordance with planning consent UTT/22/2494/NMA – building too close to the boundary at Land To The North West Of Henham Road Elsenham – UDC Enforcement Team has investigated a referral regarding the alleged breach of planning control at the above mentioned address, reference INV/23/0126/C. An investigation into this matter has been carried out and the file has now been closed for the following reason- No evidence of a breach – no further action
Breach of Condition 4 attached to UTT/22/2194/DOC Construction Management Plan – dust management at Land To The North West Of Henham Road Elsenham – UDC Enforcement Team has investigated a referral regarding the alleged breach of planning control at the above mentioned address, reference INV/23/0106/C. An investigation into this matter has been carried out and the file has now been closed for the following reason – No breach – no further action
Land North Of North Hall Road Henham, an Unauthorised erection of a six foot fence around a site UDC Enforcement Team has investigated a referral regarding the alleged breach of planning control at the above mentioned address, reference ENF/19/0362/C – An investigation into this matter has been carried out and the file has now been closed for the following reason: Breach now regularised, no further action
Investigation into alleged breach- alleged airport parking, at Railway car park, Old Mead Road – UDC’s Planning Enforcement Team has investigated a referral regarding the alleged breach of planning control at the above mentioned address, reference INV/23/0160/C and have confirmed that an investigation into this matter has been carried out and the file has now been closed for the following reason: “No breach of planning control occurring at this site. Planning permission was granted for a car park for rail users however there is no condition which restricts the use. Furthermore there is no evidence to suggest that this is a new activity, which would be time barred.” District Cllr Lees to make further enquiries as to planning permission for parking.
Appeals: Appeal Dismissed – APP/C1570/W/22/3311484 – Halt Bungalow – UTT/22/0713/FUL –
This is an important and far-reaching decision in that it supports the Conservation Area.
Developments: Mill Road Development : Nothing to report.
Bloor – UTT/23/2063/DFO – proposed Approval of reserved matters (comprising landscaping, layout, scale and appearance) pursuant to outline approval S62A/2022/0012 (UTT/22/2760/PINS) for the development of 200 residential dwellings along with landscaping, internal roads, public open space and associated infrastructure works, Land East Of Station Road – Cllr Franklin to respond on behalf of sub-planning committee. It was noted that Elsenham Car Park changed ownership on 1/8/23. There are concerns it will be full of airport parking and will not be available for commuters (new charging structure is more expensive), Chair is liaising with Elsenham Parish Council to raise these concerns with Bloor.
Decisions: UTT/22/2931/FUL – Proposed change of use to a mixed use of storage container hire and vehicles storage/parking, The Warehouse Pledgdon Green Brick End Road – REFUSE
UTT/23/0249/HHF UTT/23/1315/HHF UTT/23/1319/HHF – Single storey rear extension (previously approved) with part first floor rear extension over. Ground floor has an extant permission, The Fuchsias Old Mead Lane – Cllr Franklin declared and interest and absented himself from all discussions. This has been called in by District Cllr Lees. REFUSE.
- Highways –
Nothing to report other than County Cllr Gooding confirmed that a scheduled visit by the drainage jetting team to go to Old Mead Road and North Hall Road to carry out some drain clearance has now been arranged. There is some work in North Hall Road that will require that temporary road closures but that will just be for the protection of the workforce because of the road width.
Hall Road, Henham: 40mph signage has now been installed.
OMR-OML – (1) Update from Cllr LeCount re recent HGV use of OMR and Toot Toot bridge. Resident has complained about excessive HGV usage along OMR. Chair to liaise with Elsenham Parish Council regarding monitoring of HGC usage.
Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site www.essex.gov.uk/highways (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.
Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: swilliams@uttlesford.gov.uk Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385
- Correspondence
Sent/Received: email from resident requesting to put scaffolding on greens whilst their property is being rethatched at Wood End Green; Gigaclear re residents who have not signed Wayleave Agmt, letters from Chair to residents who have not signed Wayleave Agmt; resident re Increased levels of HGV along OMR/OML
Planning Applications – see 4(iii) above
- Clerk – approximately 250 emails in July and August 2023 respectively.
- Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Nothing to report.
- SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Stansted Airport Limited (STAL) has just published its Draft Noise Action Plan (NAP) for public consultation. The Parish Council submitted its response on 28/8/23.
- Governance – (1) HPC Grant Award Policy – Cllr Fisher previously circulated a draft policy document covering HPC providing grants. It was agreed that this would be further reviewed over the coming months. The clerk has chased EALC for their legal advice, no response as yet. (2) Code of Conduct – Cllr Franklin gave a presentation on Code of Conduct following UDC training for Cllrs which he attended on the Parish Council’s behalf.
- Local Plan – Chair submitted comments 29/8/23 to an external consulting company for UDC. Documents related to the local plan can be found at: www.uttlesford.gov.uk/new-local-plan.
- Henham SOV 100 Club draw –
July Draw – District Cllr Petrina Lees conducted the draw. She drew from a black bag containing all current members lottery balls. The winning numbers were:
1st Prize Number 100 (Jenny Kodesh) £232
2nd Prize Number 114 (Lyne Hands) £112
3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £56 Cumulative total £448
Total funds received per draw were £800. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £400paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.
August Draw – The winning balls were:
1st Prize Number 55 (Howard Hatt) £232
2nd Prize Number 61 (Sue Balmain) £112
3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £56 Cumulative total £504
Total funds received per draw were £800. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £400 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.
Many thanks for everyone’s ongoing support.
- Date of Next Meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 5th October 7:30pm at OSCA. Everyone Welcome. There is no meeting in August.
Mareike Dacey, Clerk