The Henham Dragon
This is a monthly village magazine produced and distributed by village volunteers. We are happy to include relevant articles or adverts, but we do rely on the revenue from advertisers to cover the cost of printing this magazine.
The deadline for submitting articles for edition is usually the 12th of the month before. Please send your contributions by email as an attachment to
Editorial policy is to use Times New Roman font size of 14 points on A4 paper with left and right margins of 2.5cm. Different fonts and sizes are acceptable but may be changed to ensure the final article is easy to read. The committee reserves the right to edit contributions and does not take responsibility for the information given or the views expressed in The Dragon, nor is any culpability accepted for work undertaken by the advertisers.
Advertising Rates
Rates for one off advertisements in the Dragon are as follows: –
Full page £60.00 Half page £30.00 Quarter page £20.00
Small ads (non-commercial) placed by village residents £5.00.
Village functions and charity fundraising events are advertised free, but we would invite large fundraising events to make a small donation to help with our printing costs.
To advertise, contact Sheena Bigland on 01279 850373 or Jan King on 01279 850001 or email for details.
Annual advertising must be placed by mid-February.
Printed by CZ Design&Print, Southmill Trading Centre, Bishop’s Stortford CM23 3DY