
Minutes HPC Meeting 17th May 2023

Minutes Uploaded on August 5, 2023


Minutes of an Annual Parish Council Meeting

Date: Wednesday 17 May 2023

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: OSCA, Henham


Present: Cllrs N. Baker, S. Lee, M. Fisher, P. Franklin, J. Leech, G LeCount, Clerk M Dacey and County Cllr R. Gooding


Election of Parish Council Chair for 2023-2024 – proposed Cllr Baker by Cllr Fisher seconded by Cllr Le Count. Passed nem con. Cllr Baker signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chair.


Election of Parish Council Vice-Chair for 2023-2024 – proposed Cllr Lee by Cllr Baker, seconded by Cllr Leech. Passed nem con. Cllr Lee signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Vice- Chair.


Signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office by the other Parish Councillors took place prior to the meeting.


Declaration of interests: The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.


  1. Apologies for Absence: Cllrs Z. Rutterford, M. Francis and District Cllr P. Lees


  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

The minutes of the 6 April 2023 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.


  1. Matters Arising


  1. Reports and Recommendations
  • Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
  • Greens damage – (1) Erosion – General greens erosion in the village causing other potholes. Cllr Leech and the Chair have conducted a review of the greens and it was agreed Cllr Leech would undertake necessary repairs. The Chair as requested a quote from Cllr Leech for the schedule of works for approval by Cllrs. (2) Construction damage by Hollybank – Cllr Lee is monitoring the situation and is in discussions with the contractor regarding a plan for the repairs.
  • Gravelling over and parking on Greens at Bell Cottage, High Street – Unfortunately the resident has not responded to the Parish Council’s solicitor’s communication sent on 11/4/23 to the resident requesting an undertaking to no longer park on the greens and advising that the Parish Council will be undertaking a full restoration of the greens outside the property as part of its spring greens repair programme. Works will commence next month.
  • Greens Bylaws – It was previously agreed the Chair would instruct our solicitors to carry out a review of the current bylaws which are very out of date and are currently at odds with the rules and regulations of the police service. Solicitors have been instructed. Chair has chased solicitors for an update.
  • Church works – The Chair has been advised that the Church works contractor has confirmed that they will not need use of the Greens until the main works start, with a projected end date of July 24. Over the summer, they will be carrying out a test bore so that the structural engineer can finalise design for piling, and then (July 23) complete the piling ready for construction of the steel frame in September.
  • Starr Road Signage and pot holes – Residents have contacted the Chair and clerk regarding the hedging which has been planted by the owner of Keyham House in front of the sign and not behind the sign as it originally was (as per photographic evidence from 2009). Chair previously wrote to the owner in December 2022 who confirmed they would not let the hedging cover the sign. The sign has now also fallen into disrepair and the Chair advised the resident to report this and the pot hole to Essex Highways which has been done under reference #: 2842606. UDC have been to inspect damaged sign and will be repairing it within 4 weeks.
  • Dead Tree on Chickney Road – A resident asked the Chair if the Parish Council is responsible for the removal of the dead tree. The Chair confirmed it is not on parish Council land and is the responsibility of the residents whose properties adjoin the land.
  • Coronation commemoration – A generous resident who is very skilled at ironmongery has kindly offered to design and make a sculpture to celebrate the coronation, possibly to be sited near the Jubilee Tree. Cllr Fisher to circulate the design to Cllrs for approval.

Village ponds – Following a discussion, it was agreed that that the Chair and Cllr Fisher would consider options for possibly creating two new ponds. The Parish Council also discussed the management of PC owned Woodland in Mill Road.

Village Hall – Update from Cllr Fisher. Once the renovation works are fully complete Cllr Fisher will arrange a site visit for cllrs. Solicitors have been instructed to review the ownership and responsibility for the village hall as the existing documentation is 100 years old and needs updating.

Speedwatch – (a) ongoing discussions with Essex Highways regarding speedwatch on OMR – update by Cllr Franklin, who has again chased Essex Highways for confirmation as to insurance regarding use of private driveways to conduct the speedwatch. (b) Cllr Franklin proposed to apply for VAR signage on OMR and submit an application form to Essex Highways with Parish Council funding, seconded by Cllr Fisher, approved nem con. (c) The PCSO and accompanying police officer have recently issued several fines and points for speeding vehicles along Mill Road and will continue to conduct speedwatch on a regular basis in our village.

Management of Pledgdon Green – Until the legal ownership of the Common Land is established, it is not possible to install any no parking signage on the greens or advise further regarding overhanding bough. The Chair proposed to seek HPC authority to obtain legal advice on the Parish Council’s role and responsibility for Pledgdon Green, seconded by Cllr LeCount, approved nem con.

Coronation Event – An event sponsored by the Parish Council took place at Wood End Green on Sunday 7th May from 1pm which was a huge success. The Parish Council thanks the both the Councillors and resident volunteers involved in organising the event.

Website – Cllr Lee and the Clerk continue to liaise with the IT company.

Gigaclear – Gigaclear have approached the Parish Council regarding potential works to the village. A meeting between Gigaclear and Cllrs was held on 10 May 2023. The works will begin late 23 – early 24. The Chair has written an article for the Dragon. Gigaclear will be hosting briefings for residents in due course. Following a discussion, it was agreed that the Parish Council would sign the wayleave for greens access for installation of Gigaclear infrastructure on the basis that the siting of the large cabinet must be given prior careful consideration.

Dragon Grant – in the previous financial year the Parish Council issued the Dragon a £1000 grant. The Dragon team have now confirmed this will fortunately no longer be required and the uncashed cheque has been returned to the Chair.

           (ii) Finance



From Whom Description Amount
UDC Precept £20,570.00
 To Whom

(Invoice no.)

Description Amount VAT Total
Uttlesford District Council Temporary Events Notice Licence £21.00 £0.0 £21.00
M Dacey Clerk’s salary (April) £419.89 £0.0 £419.89
Southern Screen Hire Coronation Event Screen Hire £2,250.00 £450.00 £2,700.00
Treecology (01729) Cemetery and bus stop hedge cutting £400.00 £80.00 £480.00
Ricki Shelsher (1063) Window and signs cleaning £50.00 £0.00 £50.00
Henham Village Shop Association Ltd (H0062) Post Office fees Feb- May 23 £2,394.25 £0.0 £2,394.25
Swarco UK and Ireland Ltd (122283) VAR signs annual maintenance contract £499.55 £99.91 £599.46
Abacus AC Solutions Ltd (14984) Heat Pump for Village Hall £8,330.00 £1666.00 £9,996.00
Abacus AC Solutions Ltd (14985) AC for Village Hall £640.00 £128.00 £768.00
Blackout Defibrillator electrical works £170.00 £0.0 £170.00
Henham Village Hall 50% HPC village hall grant £2,500.00 £0.0 £2,500.00
Luxury Toilet Hire (UK) Ltd Coronation Event Toilet Hire £715.00 £143.00 £858.00
PA Knott (62036) Grass cut 5/4 & 19/4 £910.00 £0.0 £910.00
Saffron Services Ltd (INV0748) Village Hall works installed programmer £400.00 £80.00 £480.00
Blackout Electrical Village Hall electrical works £5,130.00 £0.0 £5,130.00
M Dacey Clerk’s salary April 23 £462.30 £0.0 £462.30
Information Commissioner (Z2259172) Annual Data Protection fees £40.00 £0.0 £40.00
Simon Lee Refund for clerk’s laptop security protection ESET £42.89 £8.49 £50.92
Simon Lee Refund for new flags £140.89 £28.18 £169.07
Mrs J Munday Refund for gazebo x 2 for Coronation event £391.72 £78.34 £470.06
Linda Peake Refund for Allotments Garden waste service £50.00 £0.0 £50.00
M Dacey Quarterly WFH allowance £78.00 £0.0 £78.00
Simon Lee Refund for HPC dropbox membership £95.88 £0.0 £95.88
Mrs J Munday Refund for Coronation Event jugs and tablecloth £24.15 £2.83 £26.98


Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – Cllr Fisher- Nothing to report.


2022-2023 Accounts – The Q3 Accounts for 22/23 have been reviewed and approved by Cllr Fisher.


  • Planning and Developments –


  • UTT/23/0249/HHF – Single storey rear extension (previously approved) with part first floor rear extension over. Ground floor has an extant permission, The Fuchsias Old Mead Lane – Cllr Franklin declared and interest and absented himself from all discussions. This has been called in by District Cllr Lees


  • UTT/23/0713/OP – Outline Planning Application, With All Matters Reserved Except Scale & Access, for the erection of up to 7 dwellings and associated work, Land West Of Old Mead Road The Parish Council previously objected to a previous application and have submitted an objection. This has been called in by District Cllr Lees


  • UTT/23/1080/HHF – proposed Erection of gates and railings to road frontage, The Shielings Old Mead Lane


  • UTT/23/1033/HHF – Single storey side and rear extension and two storey front, side and rear extensions. Internal alterations, change of fenestration and proposed silicone render to all elevations – revision of previously approved UTT/19/2546/HHF, 2 Hall Close Henham


  • UTT/23/1097/DOC. The Barn , Old Mead Road.  Application to discharge conditions attached to planning consent. Cllr Franklin absented himself from discussions. The Chair is concerned with the planning conditions and proposed that the Parish Council instructs its transport advisor to raise these concerns with UDC, seconded by Cllr Fisher, approved nem con.


  • UTT/23/1194/HHF – Proposed Single storey rear extension and internal remodelling, 3 Mill Road Henham



Breaches:  Continuing breaches at Cedar CottageContinuing breaches at Cedar Cottage– This is now under an enforcement notice which becomes operational and effective on 31/1/22. Parish Council continues to monitor the situation. The clerk emailed UDC enforcement for an update 3/3/23 and 21/3/23 – chased again 11/4/23. Enforcement officer confirmed no action can be taken until planning decision is made UTT/22/2838/HHF – proposed Replacement roof, replacement fenestration and minor alterations to existing outbuilding, Cedar Cottage Crow Street – HPC have registered their continued objection on the basis that the existing structure is illegal and under enforcement proceedings and the proposals increase the roof height.

Erection of a summerhouse/outbuilding – The Old Coach House Pledgdon Green Brick End Road Henham Bishops Stortford CM22 6BN – Planning Enforcement Team has investigated a referral regarding the alleged breach of planning control at the above mentioned address, reference INV/22/0211/B investigation into this matter by UDC has been carried out and the file has now been closed for the following reason: – UTT/22/3404/HHF approved – no further action.

Working Hours not as approved – breach of Condition 4 attached to UTT/22/2194/DOC Construction Environmental Management Plan at Land To The North West Of Henham Road Elsenham – Planning Enforcement Team has investigated a referral regarding the alleged breach of planning control at the above mentioned address, reference INV/23/0009/C  – investigation into this matter by UDC has been carried out and the file has now been closed for the following reason: – Breach ceased. No further action

Appeals:  APP/C1570/W/22/3311484 (UTT/22/0713/FUL) – Halt Bungalow Wood End Green, proposed Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling, written representations by 7 June 2023. Chair to write to UDC planning to confirm its objection.



Mill Road Development : Nothing to report


Bloor HomesTown and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 62A Applications) Outline Planning Application with all matters Reserved except for the Primary means of access for the development of up to 200 residential dwellings along with landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure works at Land East of Station Road, Elsenham. Appeal ALLOWED.


Development in Elsenham opposite Crown Pub– Outline application for residential development comprising 130 dwellings, together with a new vehicular access from Henham Road, public open space, landscaping and associated highways, drainage and other infrastructure works (all matters reserved for subsequent approval apart from the primary means of access, on land to the south of Henham Road, Elsenham) at Land to the south of Henham Road Elsenham Essex. PINS hearing held at 10.00am on 10 May 2023 at the Albury Suite, Novotel London Stansted Airport, Round Coppice Road, Stansted CM24 1SF


Decisions: n/a


  • Highways Update by County Cllr Gooding

North Hall Road: An enforcement file has been opened ENF/21/0204/C regarding the application for a residential site application on North Hall Road. A new enforcement officer has been appointed by UDC.


Hall Road, Henham: Works were scheduled for 16 April 2023 but have not yet commenced. Chair has chased County Cllr Gooding for an update. County Cllr Gooding confirmed works are rescheduled for July 2023 and he has complained about the delay to an ECC cabinet member.


OMR-OML – (1) Faded road markings are in the schedule for the current financial year and will be carried out when the weather is less wet. (2) As regards the footpath signage, County Cllr Gooding confirmed that he is looking into obtaining funding for this and will continue to liaise with Cllr Franklin. (3) Cllr Franklin emailed County Cllr Gooding 27/01/23 regarding 27 outstanding highways issues in this area mainly relating to blocked gulleys, faded road markings, carriageway defects requesting urgent action. (3) Flooding along OMR is worse due to the new development and County Cllr Gooding will liaise with EH.


Mill Road/School Road yellow lines – The Parish Council is aware of dangerous parking on the Mill Road bend by School Lane. The clerk emailed County Cllr Gooding on 5/11/21 with a formal request to extend the yellow lines round the bend. County Cllr Gooding has submitted the request to North Essex Parking Partnership. County Cllr Gooding will chase.


Pledgdon Green Lane/Brick End Road –Repair works were carried out in late 2022, remaining potholes are on the pothole list.


Toot Toot bridge – Cllr Franklin has reported to County Cllr Gooding on 30/12/22 lack of road markings or warnings at the bridge of “single track only” or any form of priority and requested this is resolved by Essex Highways as a matter of urgency in order to avoid more accidents, County Cllr Gooding previously confirmed this will be on the next Highways Panel. New toot toot signs have been installed.


Potholes – A resident presented an update on the pothole situation. Both the Chair on behalf of the Parish Council and County Cllr Gooding thanked the resident for all her tireless efforts. County Cllr Gooding explained the delays have been due to lack of available manpower which has now been sourced by ECC and temporary repairs should begin shortly.


Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site   (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.


Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385

  1. Correspondence

Sent/Received: resident re dead tree on Chickney Road, resident re Hall Road signage, residents re Star Road signage.

Planning Applications  – see 4(iii) above

  • Clerk – approximately 300 emails in April 2023.
  1. Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Nothing to report.


  1. SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Cllr Franklin agreed to attend the AGM on 17th June at the Priors Green Community Hall, Little Canfield, CM6 1YE
  2. Governance – The clerk has prepared the Annual Risk Management Policy and Risk Assessment for 2023-24 which was circulated to all Councillors prior to this meeting for approval. Cllr LeCount proposed the Parish Council adopts the policy, seconded by Cllr Franklin, approved nem con. The clerk has requested and received copies of up to date public liability insurance from our regular contractors.
  3. Local Plan – Documents related to the local plan can be found at:
  4. Henham SOV 100 Club draw –

Cllr Peter Franklin conducted the March draw.  He drew from a black bag containing all current members lottery balls. March 160 Members. The winning numbers were:

1st Prize Number 111 (R Bonino)  £232
2nd Prize Number 110 (R Bonino)  £112

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £56 Cumulative total £224

Total funds received per draw were £800. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £400 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.

Cllr Ray Gooding conducted the April draw.  He drew from a black bag containing all current members lottery balls. April 160 Members. The winning numbers were:

1st Prize Number 116 (S Bambridge)  £232
2nd Prize Number 32 (S&N Izatt)  £112

3rd Prize Christmas Bonus Ball Accumulator £56 Cumulative total £280

Total funds received per draw were £800. Half will be paid in prizes plus the cumulative Christmas Bonus Ball with the balance of £400 paid to Henham Parish Council SOV Funds.

  1. Date of Next Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 1st June 7:00pm at OSCA and will be immediately followed by the Parish Council meeting at 7:30pm. Everyone Welcome.

Mareike Dacey, Clerk