Minutes of a Council Meeting
Date: Thursday 6 April 2023
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: OSCA, Henham
Present: County Cllr R. Gooding, Chair N. Baker, Cllrs S. Lee, P. Franklin, G. LeCount, M. Fisher, Clerk M. Dacey and PCSO A. Stewart
Declaration of interests: The Chair reminded Councillors of their duty to declare any relevant personal or pecuniary interests.
- Apologies for Absence: Cllrs Z. Rutterford, M. Francis, J. Leech and District Cllr P. Lees
- Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the 2 March 2023 meeting was approved and signed by the Chair.
- Matters Arising – The Chair thanked Councillors for all their hard work and commitment over the past
four years and thanks them for re-standing.
- Reports and Recommendations
- Greens and Village Estate – Cllr. Baker:
- Greens damage – (1) Erosion – General greens erosion in the village. Cllr Leech previously presented a comprehensive document with supportive photographs and examples of honeycomb matting. It was previously agreed that the Chair and Cllr Leech would review greens damage in the Spring and this will be carried out in the forthcoming weeks. (2) Construction damage by Hollybank – Cllr Lee is monitoring the situation. Chair to provide details of width of drive.
- Gravelling over and parking on Greens at Bell Cottage, High Street – The gravel was removed and grass seed laid on 23/2/23. it was previously agreed that a further legal letter would be sent to the resident to obtain an undertaking to no longer park on the greens. The Parish will undertake a full restoration of the greens outside the property as part of its spring greens repair programme. A letter has been sent to the resident.
- Greens Bylaws – Following a discussion it was agreed the Chair would instruct our solicitors to carry out a review of the current bylaws which are very out of date and are currently at odds with the rules and regulations of the police service. Solicitors have now been instructed and the Chair is awaiting a quote.
- Hire car parking along High Street- Cllr Fisher had a positive meeting with the company representatives of Northgate Plc who own Auxillis Ltd on 1/3/23 who apologised for the inconvenience. They explained that they are in the process of relocating and if any problems occur then the Parish Council may contact them. The matter now appears to be resolved.
- Church works – The Chair has been advised that the Church works will commence immediately after Easter. This will primarily be for ground works which should be finished by end August, there will be some digging across the greens. It was agreed the Chair would liaise with the Church so that Cllr Lee can attend a meeting with the Church representatives regarding the construction as previously agreed.
Village ponds – Cllr Fisher will act as liaison with FWAG in order to progress matters.
Village Hall – Update from Cllr Fisher. The village hall will be reopened 24/4/23. Following a discussion Cllr Fisher proposed that the Parish Council pays another annual grant to Village Hall Committee of £5k (in two instalments £2,500 in April and £2,500 in September), seconded by Cllr LeCount, approved nem con. Cllr LeCount has assisted in the Stansted Airport Community Fund providing a £5k grant towards the village hall.
PCSO – Our PCSO provided an update, there are plans for more speedwatch checks, BEATS surgeries (to be advertised on village FB, website and Dragon), reassurance visits re fire and general crime to residents in Henham. He will be on hand in the Village Shop for residents to have a chat, discuss crime prevention and talk about local community concerns on Wed 12th April 2023 between 12:00-13:00. Unfortunately there have been 2 burglaries in OML and 1 in OMR within the past 4 months. PCSO visited residents on OML on 4/4/23, event was successful.
Speedwatch – (a) ongoing discussions with Essex Highways regarding speedwatch on OMR – update by Cllr Franklin, who will be chasing Essex Highways for confirmation as to insurance regarding use of private driveways to conduct the speedwatch. (b) Update regarding investigations as to whether it is feasible to install a VAR sign along OMR. Unfortunately Essex Highways have confirmed they do not expect it is not possible to instal VAR signage in a 40mph area, Cllr Franklin will pursue this.
Management of Pledgdon Green – Until the legal ownership of the Common Land is established, it is not possible to install any no parking signage on the greens.
Coronation Event – Update from Cllr Lee regarding proposals for a village event – following a health and safety assessment, an event based around the village hall with its close proximity to the High Street would not be appropriate, nor will the hall refurbishment be fully completed by the Coronation weekend. An event sponsored by the Parish Council will now take place at Wood End Green. Residents are invited to bring a picnic, drink and furniture and take a plot on Wood End Green and share the festivities with friends and neighbours on Sunday 7th May from 12 noon. Councillors are liaising with residents to organise this. Cllr Fisher proposed the hiring of toilets for £635 plus VAT and a large screen for approximately £2k plus VAT, seconded by Cllr Lee, approved nem con. Cllr Baker will apply for the UDC grant and licence to sell alcohol.
Website –Cllr Lee and the Clerk have been liaising with the IT company. The clerk has paid £1039 plus VAT, approved by Cllrs, to cover initial set up costs, hosting, domain name set up in order to commence the process.
Great British Spring Clean 2023 – The Parish Council entered the national litter picking day on 26th March. On a very wet Sunday a number of residents braved the elements and an enormous amount of litter was collected from our paths and ditches. The Parish Council thanks everyone involved and particularly the two residents who organised the event. A similar successful event was held along the OMR/OML area which residents are hoping to hold monthly.
Elsenham Surgery – Cllr LeCount provided an update. Consultation is ongoing.
Gigaclear – Gigaclear have approached the Parish Council regarding potential works to the village. A meeting with only parish councillors will be arranged on 11 May.
Allotments – The Parish Council manages 22 Allotments. 21 are allocated at present. The Parish Council would like to thank two residents in particular for their general management of the allotment area. It is a credit to the tenants that the area is so delightful and productive. Any resident interested in taking an allotment should contact the Chair.
(ii) Finance
Receipts |
From Whom | Description | Amount | ||
Daniel Robinson | Internment fees | £980.00 | ||
Martin Hardy & Sons | Internment fees | £800.00 | ||
To Whom
(Invoice no.) |
Description | Amount | VAT | Total |
Barry J Poole | Drainage works by Star Garage | £40.00 | £0.0 | £40.00 |
P. Doughty | Telephone Box repairs | £45.00 | £0.0 | £45.00 |
JRB Enterprise Ltd (25112) | Dog poo bags | £65.71 | £13.14 | £78.85 |
Mr David Honour (1230) | Village Hall Storage area replacement works | £9,900.00 | £1,980.00 | £11,880.00 |
Mr David Honour (1228) | Village Hall Carpentry Works | £3,660.00 | £732.00 | £4,392.00 |
James Lamb (145) | Village Hall decoration works | £6,830.00 | £0.0 | £6,830.00 |
Mr David Honour (1229) | Village Hall wall insulation works | £2,127.00 | £425.40 | £2,552.40 |
Mr David Honour (1227) | Village Hall damp and slab works | £1,710 | £342.00 | £2052.00 |
M Dacey | Clerk’s salary (February) | £419.89 | £0.0 | £419.89 |
PA Knott (62006) | Grass cut 15/3 | £455.00 | £0.0 | £455.00 |
Paul Mower | Village gardening Dec to Feb 23 | £240.00 | £0.0 | £240.00 |
UKI Flooring Services Limited (2448/23) | Village Hall New resin Flooring | £10,409.70 | £2,081.94 | £12,491.64 |
Hutchinsons (1281.01/1433) | Professional planning fees re Bloor Homes Hearing in Dec 22 | £3,498.40 | £699.68 | £4,198.08 |
Netwise UK (2851) | New Website set up, hosting and domain name fees | £1039.00 | £207.80 | £1246.80 |
M Dacey | Refund for 50x first class stamps | £47.50 | £0.0 | £47.50 |
Treecology (01715) | Church hedge cutting | £280.00 | £56.00 | £336.00 |
JRB Enterprise Ltd (25255) | Dog poo bags | £65.71 | £13.14 | £78.85 |
EALC (16644) | EALC and NALC affiliation fees | £405.87 | £0.0 | £405.87 |
Treasury Management Investment Policy and Strategy 2023/24 – Cllr Fisher- On two of our bonds HPC accrued £11,953.54 interest.
2022-2023 Accounts – Cllr Fisher has reviewed and approved the Q3 Accounts for 22/23 which were prepared by the clerk.
- Planning and Developments – Planning Forum – Update previously circulated from Chair re UDC Planning Forum which he attended on 28/3/23.
- UTT/23/0583/HHF& UTT/23/0584/LB – Proposed Porch/Boot Room to rear entrance, Appletree Cottage Starr Road
- UTT/23/0249/HHF – Single storey rear extension (previously approved) with part first floor rear extension over. Ground floor has an extant permission, The Fuchsias Old Mead Lane – Cllr Franklin declared and interest and absented himself from all discussions. The Chair continues to liaise with UDC regarding clarification of the Permitted Development Guidelines.
- UTT/23/0606/FUL & UTT/23/0607/LB – proposed Demolition of existing garage structures and erection of 2 no. detached single storey dwellings, Starr House Starr Road
- UTT/23/0713/OP – Outline Planning Application, With All Matters Reserved Except Scale & Access, for the erection of up to 7 dwellings and associated work, Land West Of Old Mead Road. The Parish Council previously objected to a previous application and will submit an objection. The Chair will request that District Cllr Lees calls it in.
Breaches: Continuing breaches at Cedar Cottage– Continuing breaches at Cedar Cottage– This is now under an enforcement notice which becomes operational and effective on 31/1/22. Parish Council continues to monitor the situation. The clerk emailed UDC enforcement for an update 3/3/23 and 21/3/23 – no response. Clerk to chase again. UTT/22/2838/HHF – proposed Replacement roof, replacement fenestration and minor alterations to existing outbuilding, Cedar Cottage Crow Street – HPC have registered their continued objection on the basis that the existing structure is illegal and under enforcement proceedings and the proposals increase the roof height.
Appeals: n/a
Mill Road Development : Nothing to report.
Bloor Homes – Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Section 62A Applications) – Outline Planning Application with all matters Reserved except for the Primary means of access for the development of up to 200 residential dwellings along with landscaping, public open space and associated infrastructure works at Land East of Station Road, Elsenham. PINS hearing scheduled for 12 December 2022. Nothing to report other than Essex Highways are sustaining their objection.
Highways – Update by County Cllr Gooding:
North Hall Road: An enforcement file has been opened ENF/21/0204/C regarding the application for a residential site application on North Hall Road. A new enforcement officer has been appointed by UDC.
Hall Road 40mph signage, Henham: Works now scheduled for 16 April 2023.
OMR-OML – (1) Faded road markings are in the schedule for the current financial year and will be carried out when the weather is less wet. (2) As regards the footpath signage, County Cllr Gooding confirmed that he is looking into obtaining funding for this and will continue to liaise with Cllr Franklin. (3) Cllr Franklin emailed County Cllr Gooding 27/01/23 regarding 27 outstanding highways issues in this area mainly relating to blocked gulleys, faded road markings, carriageway defects requesting urgent action. (3) Flooding along OMR is worse due to the new development and County Cllr Gooding will liaise with EH.
Mill Road/School Road yellow lines – The Parish Council is aware of dangerous parking on the Mill Road bend by School Lane. The clerk emailed County Cllr Gooding on 5/11/21 with a formal request to extend the yellow lines round the bend. County Cllr Gooding has submitted the request to North Essex Parking Partnership. County Cllr Gooding will chase.
Pledgdon Green Lane/Brick End Road –Repair works were carried out in late 2022, remaining potholes are on the pothole list.
Toot Toot bridge – Cllr Franklin has reported to County Cllr Gooding on 30/12/22 the missing “Sound your horn” signs which have been removed at some point from either side of the bridge and lack of road markings or warnings at the bridge of “single track only” or any form of priority and requested this is resolved by Essex Highways as a matter of urgency in order to avoid more accidents, this will be on the next Highways Panel. Cllr Leech has prepared new signs.
Footpath FP16 Henham Old Mead Lane to Mill Road – The Clerk has previously circulated an email on this which was raised by a resident. This is a matter for EH, not the Parish Council.
Residents are encouraged to also report any matters to Essex Highways direct via the Essex Highways web site www.essex.gov.uk/highways (details also on the Henham Website), as the more people who complain regarding Highways matters the more likely something will get done.
Residents are encouraged to report unsafe or dangerous parking in our village to: swilliams@uttlesford.gov.uk Stansted Airport Limited operates a Freephone number for reporting suspected on-street airport related car parking. The Freephone number is: 0800 7312385
- Correspondence
Sent/Received: Footpath 32, Henham, Elsenham, Temporary Prohibition of Use Extension Notice,
Planning Applications – see 4(iii) above
- Clerk – approximately 250 emails in March 2023.
- Waste and Minerals Development Issues – Nothing to report.
- SAW (Stop Stansted Expansion) – Nothing to report.
- Governance – Nothing to report.
- Local Plan – Documents related to the local plan can be found at: www.uttlesford.gov.uk/new-local-plan. The Chair submitted the Parish survey to UDC on 10/1/23.
- Henham SOV 100 Club draw –
- Date of Next Meeting
The Annual Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 17 May 2023 at 7:30pm at OSCA. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 1st June 7:00pm at OSCA and will be immediately followed by the Parish Council meeting at 7:30pm. Everyone Welcome.
Mareike Dacey, Clerk